

php Programming Glossary: array_merge

How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP


key value results array foreach array as subarray results array_merge results search subarray key value return results arr array 0..

PHP Create a Multidimensional Array from an array with relational data [duplicate]


e isset m e pk m e pk array isset m e k m e k array m e pk array_merge e array c m e k return m r 0 remove 0 if there could be more..

PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query


' ' . placeholders ' ' sizeof d . ' ' insert_values array_merge insert_values array_values d sql INSERT INTO table . implode..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


if array i pivot left array i else right array i return array_merge quickSort left array pivot quickSort right Permutation sort..

isset() and empty() make code ugly


array 'foo' false 'bar' true 'baz' 'default value' values array_merge defaults incoming_array The same thing as above you're initializing..

+ operator for array in PHP?


arrays share improve this question It basically means array_merge with the difference that duplicate keys will not be overwritten.. not be overwritten . This can look quite different from array_merge though e.g. array1 array 'one' 'two' 'foo' 'bar' array2 array.. 'foo' 'baz' array3 array1 array2 print_r array3 print_r array_merge array1 array2 outputs Array 0 one preserved from array1 1 two..

Multidimensional array iteration


array_shift arr if is_array n array_unshift arr null arr array_merge n arr s . ' node ' elseif is_null n s . ' node ' else s . '..

List of Big-O for PHP functions


depends on unknown core data structures of PHP array_merge array_merge_recursive array_reverse array_intersect array_combine.. depends on unknown core data structures of PHP array_merge array_merge_recursive array_reverse array_intersect array_combine str_replace.. than in_array and array_search union is a bit faster than array_merge and looks nicer . But it does work differently so keep that..

PHP 2D Array output all combinations


__FUNCTION__ _ r array foreach a as v foreach c as p r array_merge array v p return r cross array_cartesian array 'apples' 'pears'..

PHP list all files in directory [duplicate]


.. if is_dir directory. . file if recursive array_items array_merge array_items directoryToArray directory. . file recursive ..

Preserve key order (stable sort) when sorting with PHP's uasort


if call_user_func cmp_function end array1 array2 0 1 array array_merge array1 array2 return Merge the two sorted arrays into a single..

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?


objects A and B into arrays then merging them using array_merge before re transforming into an object but we can't say we are.. contain fields no methods this works obj_merged object array_merge array obj1 array obj2 This actually also works when objects..

Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays


res array foreach result as r foreach a as v res array_merge array r array v result res print_r result Any help would be.. key Out of the foreach we can add to results now result array_merge result append return result Usage input array 'arm' array 'A'..