

php Programming Glossary: asiformdatarequest

Converting NSArray -> JSON -> NSData -> PHP server ->JSON representation


url NSURL URLWithString @ http www.mywebsite.com index.php ASIFormDataRequest request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL url request setPostValue.. www.mywebsite.com index.php ASIFormDataRequest request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL url request setPostValue jsonData forKey @ songs.. url NSURL URLWithString @ http www.mywebsite.com index.php ASIFormDataRequest request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL url request setPostValue..

Newbie having issues with uploading a file using ASIHTTPRequest


on some detailed documentation for dummies on using ASIFormDataRequest for photo uploads. Can someone through me a life line here Here.. I may be way off. Camera.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @class ASIFormDataRequest ... Camera.m #import Camera.h #import ASIHTTPRequest.h #import.. Camera.m #import Camera.h #import ASIHTTPRequest.h #import ASIFormDataRequest.h ... void uploadImage NSData imageData filename NSString filename..

POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking


a very scary warning operation start I used to do this ASIFormDataRequest request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL remoteUrl request.. start I used to do this ASIFormDataRequest request ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL remoteUrl request setPostValue self.fileName.text..