

php Programming Glossary: authenticated

Replace URLs in text with HTML links


for the latest version with support for email addresses authenticated URLs URLs in quotes and parentheses HTML input as well as an..

How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login?


has been supplied with the critical information user is authenticated . So all following page requests made using ch and the same..

REST user authentication


Flash PHP JavaScript . Data will be served only to authenticated users. Tipical communication for user to get list of products..

Determining Referer in PHP


you can verify the user has been to your site and or is authenticated. Cookies are sent in AJAX requests so you can rely on that...

Can you get a Windows (AD) username in PHP?


authentication it will contain the username of the authenticated user. In an Active Directory domain if your clients are running..

PHP form token usage and handling


responsible for authenticating the user and storing their authenticated identity e.g. _SESSION 'user_id' userId in the SESSION. If a..

Web API Security


password . It's the application s that will have to be authenticated not users of the application s . php security api authentication..

How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl?


to make requests to the service. How do I use curl to make authenticated http basic requests Do I have to add the headers myself If so..

Historical security flaws of popular PHP CMS's?


to use the session of another legitimate and hopefully authenticated user. For this he can either change his own session cookie to..

Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?


code isset _GET code _GET code false if code user has not authenticated yet lets return false so setup redirects him to facebook return.. we have the code parameter set so it looks like the user authenticated url https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id 148906418456860.. data attribute_map requsted_attribute yeah authenticated return this serverLocation . ' id ' . id die 'login failed'..

Sending basic authentication information via form


on the form submit you make an AJAX request into the basic authenticated folder. AJAX requests can accept username and password information..

CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure?


user_id of the requested item is the same as the currently authenticated user. I've left this out for clarity. That's really all there..

What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting cookies?


an anonymous attacker to cause unknowing users to submit authenticated requests to your application even without being actually logged..

Posting to a Facebook Page as the Page (not a person)


user try Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated. accounts_list facebook api ' me accounts' catch FacebookApiException..

How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0?


function and now if you want to know if the user is authenticated or not use getUser . For Access token it's very simple use this..

PHP curl post to login to Wordpress


to the administration interface now that the valid authenticated session has been established header 'location blog wordpress..

Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials


will not need to screen scrape the OAuth screens to get authenticated. To get this I would write a little command line application..

Using Facebook PHP-SDK 3.x to register/login user with Codeigniter 2.1.0


try Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated. user_profile facebook api ' me' catch FacebookApiException..