

php Programming Glossary: between

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?


than one block in it you should not have any spaces in between them. Note You might have multiple blocks if you had code that..

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?


into SQL but concatenated with escaping calls in between. pdo_query SELECT id links html title user date FROM articles.. can't later spot where PHP originally glued variables inbetween query clauses. With bound parameters you separate SQL code and..

Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?


Understanding PHP's operator PHP operator difference between and in PHP What does mean here in PHP what does mean in this.. PHP Logical Operators 'AND' vs ' ' as operator difference between and in PHP PHP Is there a difference between operators AND and.. difference between and in PHP PHP Is there a difference between operators AND and here PHP and or keywords Arithmetic Operators..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


be safer but also slower. How to achieve a good balance between speed and safety Also I'd prefer the result to have a constant.. that don't quite cover my question What's the difference between SHA and MD5 in PHP Simple Password Encryption Secure methods..

How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP?


in PHP in the manual as well as a list of differences between POSIX regex and PCRE to help converting the expression. share..

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?


to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP I have two dates of the form Start Date.. 24 End Date 2009 06 26 Now I need to find the difference between these two in the following form 2 years 3 months and 2 days.. to unix time and then calculate the number of seconds between them. From this it's rather easy to calculate different time..

Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul>


AS node CROSS JOIN t_categories AS parent WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rght GROUP BY node.title ORDER BY node.lft.. JOIN t_categories AS parent' query . ' WHERE node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rght' query . ' GROUP BY node.title' query..

Getting mysql result from the last 30 days [duplicate]


1 YEAR for getting records specific years For Anand query BETWEEN DATE_SUB CURDATE INTERVAL 6 MONTH AND DATE_SUB CURDATE INTERVAL..

how do I get month from date in mysql


can't use indexes a better approach would be to use BETWEEN and the STR_TO_DATE functions WHERE startdate BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE.. use BETWEEN and the STR_TO_DATE functions WHERE startdate BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE start_date format AND STR_TO_DATE end_date format..

How to generate a tree view from this result set based on Tree Traversal Algorithm?


`categorias` AS p CROSS JOIN categories AS c WHERE c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rht GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.lft I got this result..

counting data and grouping by week in mysql


name SUM qty AS amount FROM yourTable WHERE DAY date BETWEEN 1 AND 7 GROUP BY name AS w1 USING name LEFT JOIN SELECT name.. name SUM qty AS amount FROM yourTable WHERE DAY date BETWEEN 8 AND 14 GROUP BY name AS w2 USING name ... share improve..

How to efficiently find the closest locations nearby a given location


to a subset of your entries based on that WHERE latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat AND longitude BETWEEN minLong AND maxLong.. WHERE latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat AND longitude BETWEEN minLong AND maxLong . Then MySQL only needs to execute the distance..

distance calculations in mysql queries


to a subset of your entries based on that WHERE latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat AND longitude BETWEEN minLong AND maxLong.. WHERE latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat AND longitude BETWEEN minLong AND maxLong . Then MySQL only needs to execute the distance..

Find overlapping date ranges in PostgreSQL


use between without the date part thing WHERE datefield BETWEEN '2009 10 10 00 00 00' AND '2009 10 11 00 00 00' or something..

Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP


`term` FROM `words` WHERE levenshtein ' word' `term` BETWEEN 0 AND 4 Edit Just in case the link above stops working some..

script to tell me who, and how many users, are online


distinct IP datetime FROM `bigBrother` WHERE datetime BETWEEN DATE_SUB NOW INTERVAL 3 MINUTE AND NOW The problem is that my..

MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula)


. max_lon number_format origin_lon lon_range 4 . sql . lat BETWEEN ' min_lat' AND ' max_lat' AND lon BETWEEN ' min_lon' AND ' max_lon'.. 4 . sql . lat BETWEEN ' min_lat' AND ' max_lat' AND lon BETWEEN ' min_lon' AND ' max_lon' AND Does anyone know how to make this..

Dealing with nested sets in mysql?


FROM tester AS parent JOIN tester AS child ON child.`left` BETWEEN parent.`left` AND parent.`right` WHERE parent.`left` 7 AND parent.`right`.. FROM tester AS parent JOIN tester AS child ON child.`left` BETWEEN parent.`left` AND parent.`right` WHERE parent.`left` 7 AND parent.`right`..

How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP?


with some real life examples that are not that abstract. Between interfaces concrete iterators container objects and iteration..

htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags


something like this search array_map 'utf8_encode' search Between the call to array_keys and the call to str_replace . And this..

“Distance” between colours in PHP


Color 1 #112233 Color 2 #122334 Color 3 #000000 Difference Between color1 and color2 R 1 G 1 B 1 0x3 Difference Between color3.. Between color1 and color2 R 1 G 1 B 1 0x3 Difference Between color3 and color1 R 11 G 22 B 33 0x66 So color 1 and color 2..

What's the Difference Between Extension and zend_extension in php.ini?


the Difference Between Extension and zend_extension in php.ini When I installed Xdebug..

Remove Text Between Parentheses PHP


Text Between Parentheses PHP I'm just wondering how I could remove the text..

Difference Between getcwd() and dirname(__FILE__) ? Which should I use?


Between getcwd and dirname __FILE__ Which should I use In PHP what..

How can I use PHP 5.3 Closures like We use Blocks in Ruby


like Ruby Blocks and say bye bye to 'for' Loops Like Between and is a Closure or Block or Anonymous Function fruit w apple..

PHP headers already sent problem [duplicate]


php html http headers share improve this question Between your two PHP tags you have whitespace. php This'll cause your..

Is Time Between Two Other Times?


Time Between Two Other Times What I want to do for example is change my..

How To Handle Communication Between the Domain and Database Layers?


To Handle Communication Between the Domain and Database Layers I am fairly new to using separate..

PHP - concatenate or directly insert variables in string


variables concatenation share improve this question Between those two syntaxes you should really choose the one you prefer..

performing datetime related operations in PHP


09 01 371 timefrom tryme find_TimeFromThisTo newer print 'Between '. tryme format 'Y m d' .' and '. newer format 'Y m d' .' there.. .' months and '. timefrom 'days' . ' days.'. n Output Between 2007 08 26 and 2008 09 01 there are 1 years 0 months and 5 days...

Torn Between learning PHP [insert framework here] and Ruby on Rails [closed]


Between learning PHP insert framework here and Ruby on Rails closed..

openssl_digest vs hash vs hash_hmac? Difference between SALT & HMAC?


enough right Nope. As explained in Fundamental Difference Between Hashing and Encryption that's not a good idea. So why not just..