

php Programming Glossary: bloginfo

Wordpress: Use method=“post” for multiple language selection


name UK img style margin bottom 10px src php bloginfo 'stylesheet_directory' images uk.png width 259 height 160 alt.. name World img style margin bottom 10px src php bloginfo 'stylesheet_directory' images world.png width 258 height 160.. location value UK img style margin bottom 10px src php bloginfo 'stylesheet_directory' images uk.png width 259 height 160 alt..

Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll


id entries class clearfix div class ajaxloader img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader div.. ajaxloader div entries div class ajaxloader img src php bloginfo 'template_url' ajax_load.gif alt loading... div ajaxloader Jquery.. loaded '#entries .ajaxloader' .hide xmlhttp.open POST php bloginfo 'template_url' getentries.php number true xmlhttp.send Isotope..

Inserting php into js file


the full image path I would prefer to do this img src php bloginfo 'url' images loading.gif gt But I can't work out how to make..

How to Transform XML with XSLT using PHP in Wordpress


be welcome as well. php xml new DOMDocument xml load ' php bloginfo 'template_directory' rentals works.xml' xsl new DOMDocument.. rentals works.xml' xsl new DOMDocument xsl load ' php bloginfo 'template_directory' rentals works.xsl' proc new XSLTProcessor.. right context this way xml new DOMDocument xml load get_bloginfo 'template_directory' . ' rentals works.xml' xsl new DOMDocument..

Toggle Posts in wordpress using jquery


href # onclick jQuery '#comments' .toggle img src php echo bloginfo 'template_url' images play.png width 30 height 36 alt Play Video..

Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX


home div id home home bg img class home bg src php bloginfo 'template_url' images home bg.jpg home bg php if have_posts..

Sending multiple data parameters with jQuery AJAX


here function checkDB code userid .ajax type POST url php bloginfo 'template_url' profile check_code.php data 'code ' code 'userid..