

php Programming Glossary: br

PHP Sessions across sub domains


0 ' ' '.domain.com' session_start print session_id . br _SESSION 'Regsitered' 1 echo ' a href http auth.domain.com test.php.. 0 ' ' '.domain.com' session_start print session_id . br _SESSION 'Checked' 1 print_r _SESSION The session IDs are exactly.. need it so that user can visit sub1.domain.com then close browser and at a later time before original session expires go..

How to properly set up a PDO connection


error message if the connection fails err getMessage . br file_put_contents 'PDOErrors.txt' err FILE_APPEND write some..

When do I use the PHP constant “PHP_EOL”?


Most of the PHP I write is for generating HTML and I use br instead of actual newlines so haven't used this constant before...

How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode?


another man ™s knowledge because I have so much more of it. br Mark Twain American author Playwright p div a id newquote class.. Author URI http wordpress.stackexchange.com users 12615 brasofilo License GPLv3 add_action 'plugins_loaded' array B5F_SO_13498959..

What does $$ mean in PHP?


'real_variable' name_of_name 'name' echo name_of_name . ' br ' echo name_of_name . ' br ' echo name_of_name . ' br ' And.. 'name' echo name_of_name . ' br ' echo name_of_name . ' br ' echo name_of_name . ' br ' And here's the output I get name.. . ' br ' echo name_of_name . ' br ' echo name_of_name . ' br ' And here's the output I get name real_variable test So I would..

how to extract data from csv file in php


1000 FALSE num count data echo p num fields in line row br p n row for c 0 c num c echo data c . br n fclose handle ..

PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate]


h1 The quick red fox... h1 T3 h1 ... jumps over the lazy brown FROG I want to only get the text that's between the headings.. h1 The quick red fox... h1 T3 h1 ... jumps over the lazy brown FROG' DOM new DOMDocument DOM loadHTML str get all H1 items.. for i 0 i items length i echo items item i nodeValue . br This outputs as T1 T2 T3 EDIT After OP Clarification If you..

Get Title and Meta Tags of External site


keywords meta getAttribute 'content' echo Title title . ' br br ' echo Description description . ' br br ' echo Keywords.. meta getAttribute 'content' echo Title title . ' br br ' echo Description description . ' br br ' echo Keywords keywords..

DOMDocument in php


0 tbody tr td height 30 a class px11 href link title a a br span class px10 span a td tr tr td img height 1 width 580.. trim tag nodeValue if strlen string 3 echo string echo ' br ' but I'm getting a string stripped with something like ..... more examples and code snippets on how to work with DOM browse through my previous answers to related questions http stackoverflow.com..

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in [duplicate]


try this result2 mysql_query myQuery or die myQuery. br br .mysql_error The error message will guide you to the solution.. try this result2 mysql_query myQuery or die myQuery. br br .mysql_error The error message will guide you to the solution..

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)


microtime true start echo JSON encoded in jsonTime seconds br Time serialization start microtime true serialize testArray.. true start echo PHP serialized in serializeTime seconds br Compare them if jsonTime serializeTime echo json_encode was..

PHP ZIP file download


echo html title Public Photo Directory Download title body BR B ERROR B The download file was NOT SPECIFIED. body html exit.. echo html title Public Photo Directory Download title body BR B ERROR B File not found. body html exit header Pragma public..

Get a URL from a String


A result 0 foreach A as B URL GetRealURL B echo URL BR function GetRealURL url options array CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER.. A result 0 foreach A as B URL GetRealURL B echo URL BR function GetRealURL url options array CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..

GeoLocation API


Africa BJ Africa BM North America BN Asia BO South America BR South America BS North America BT Asia BW Africa BY Europe BZ..

Replace newlines with BR tags, but only inside PRE tags


newlines with BR tags but only inside PRE tags In stock PHP5 what is a good..

Warning when using mysql_fetch_assoc in PHP [duplicate]


db_field mysql_fetch_assoc result print db_field 'ID' . BR print db_field 'First_Name' . BR print db_field 'Surname' ... print db_field 'ID' . BR print db_field 'First_Name' . BR print db_field 'Surname' . BR print db_field 'Address' . BR.. db_field 'First_Name' . BR print db_field 'Surname' . BR print db_field 'Address' . BR mysql_close db_handle else print..

br2nl Replace All XHTML/HTML Line Breaks with Newlines in PHP


Converting <br /> into a new line for use in a text area


text Hello br Hello again br Hello again again br Goodbye BR breaks array br br br text str_ireplace breaks r n text textarea..

How to consume a WCF Web Service that uses custom username validation with a PHP page?


client Get print phpresponse GetResult Version echo b BR BR catch Exception e echo h2 Exception Error h2 b echo e getMessage.. client Get print phpresponse GetResult Version echo b BR BR catch Exception e echo h2 Exception Error h2 b echo e getMessage.. e echo h2 Exception Error h2 b echo e getMessage echo BR BR WCF Configuration behavior name sslBehavior serviceMetadata..

Sending multipart POST from iOS and reading parameters in PHP $_POST?


P LABEL for login E mail LABEL INPUT type text name login BR LABEL for password pass LABEL INPUT type text name password.. for password pass LABEL INPUT type text name password BR INPUT type submit value Send INPUT type reset P FORM I get this..