

php Programming Glossary: childnodes

PHP SimpleXML get innerXML


your SimpleXMLElement to a DOMNode then loop over its childNodes to build the XML. The other would be to call asXML then use..

innerHTML in PHP's DomDocument?


DOMinnerHTML DOMNode element innerHTML children element childNodes foreach children as child innerHTML . element ownerDocument..

Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how?


'product' foreach _prods as product foreach product childNodes as node echo node nodeName . . node nodeValue . br Queston.. ELEMENT WITH XML ID n n foreach dom getElementById 'p1' childNodes as product echo product nodeValue Will output foo1 and foo2.. CANNOT FETCH NORMAL ID n n foreach dom getElementById 'p2' childNodes as product echo product nodeValue Will output a NOTICE and a..

Highlight keywords in a paragraph


'. keyword.' ' foreach elements as element foreach element childNodes as child if child instanceof DomText continue fragment dom createDocumentFragment..

How to insert HTML to PHP DOMNode?


str foreach tmpDoc getElementsByTagName 'body' item 0 childNodes as node dom importNode node newDiv appendChild node And as a.. source foreach tmpDoc getElementsByTagName 'body' item 0 childNodes as node parent ownerDocument importNode node parent appendChild..

Printing content of a XML file using XML DOM


tako sto se ispisuje informacija o podelementima foreach x childNodes AS item print item nodeName . . item nodeValue . br Thanks.. getElementsByTagName 'telefon' as telefon foreach telefon childNodes as node printf Name s Type s Value s n node nodeName node nodeType..

DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper?


'post_content' d saveXML d getElementsByTagName 'body' childNodes return postarray php serialization domdocument share improve..

DOMDocument in php


wanted information. Whether you do that by iterating the childNodes of the DIV or use getElementByTagName or XPath is up to you...

How do you rename a tag in SimpleXML through a DOM object?


attr newNode appendChild attr cloneNode foreach oldNode childNodes as child newNode appendChild child cloneNode true oldNode..

Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP


public function getChildren children this current childNodes return new self children It's a pretty short class with only..

Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string


foreach dom getElementsByTagName ' ' as elem foreach elem childNodes as node if node nodeType XML_TEXT_NODE text trim node nodeValue.. removeChild node inner HTML PHP 5.3.6 foreach parent childNodes as node echo dom saveHTML node The full code example is available..

how to use dom php parser


as element echo n . element nodeName. nodes element childNodes foreach nodes as node echo node nodeValue. n OUTPUT div Content1..