

php Programming Glossary: cid

PHP pfsockopen in a session


available. However this is status.php just ignore _SESSION cid which is called via AJAX php session_start fputs _SESSION socket.. fputs _SESSION socket CHG 12 . _GET s . . _SESSION cid 5000 echo fread _SESSION socket Which should change the status...

script not working in Ajax returned value


xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET getdetails.php cid str true xmlhttp.send script script src http code.jquery.com.. getdetails.php code is php require 'include connect.php' cid _GET 'cid' sql select from table where user_id cid res mysql_query.. code is php require 'include connect.php' cid _GET 'cid' sql select from table where user_id cid res mysql_query sql..

Making select and update in one query


is the first q select c.id as campaignId c.priceFactor o.cid o.bloggerPrice o.state as state o.customerPrice o.id as orderId.. from campaign c orders o where c.id campaignId and c.id o.cid and o.state in 8 9 And this is the second foreach orders as.. order customerPrice where id order orderId and cid order cid this db q qUpdate My question is Can I do it the..

How to embed images in html email


you would access it within the HTML e mail with img src cid my photo alt my photo . In detail here is the function to add.. to add an inline attachment mail AddEmbeddedImage filename cid name By using this function with this example's value above.. mail Body 'Your b HTML b with an embedded Image img src cid my attach Here is an image ' mail AddAttachment 'something.zip'..

Embed images for use in email message using PHP?


link to your attached image this way output . ' p img src cid ' . linkID . ' alt graph p ' Where linkID is the same value..

PHP SoapClient and a complex header


eb id SessionCreateRS xlink type simple xlink href cid SessionCreateRS 028 eb Description xml lang en US Response Message..

PHP Attaching an image to an email


gif here's the butt ugly bit where we grab the content id cid mime _html_images count mime _html_images 1 'cid' now we can.. id cid mime _html_images count mime _html_images 1 'cid' now we can use the content id in our message html ' html body.. use the content id in our message html ' html body img src cid '. cid.' body html ' text 'Plain text version of email' mime..

Using SimpleXML to load remote URL


following http api.ean.com ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga locale en_US.. I try url 'http api.ean.com ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga locale en_US.. load file http api.ean.com ean services rs hotel v3 list cid 55505 minorRev 12 apiKey 2hkhej72gxyas3ky6hhjtsga locale en_US..

file_get_contents - failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found


2012 02 05 e_date 2012 03 13 order release_date dir desc cid 12' gives failed to open stream HTTP request failed HTTP 1.1.. 2012 02 05 e_date 2012 03 13 order release_date dir desc cid 12' works fine. I have tried turning ssl off and I still get..

Expedia API book.api.ean.com blank


it was https book.api.ean.com ean services rs hotel v3 res cid 55505 apiKey xxx locale en_US currencyCode USD customerUserAgent..