

php Programming Glossary: client_secret

Facebook API without client authentication for public content


F grant_type client_credentials F client_id your_app_id F client_secret your_app_secret https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token..

How to renew/extend facebook access tokens with PHP?


oauth access_token client_id .FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID. client_secret .FACEBOOK_SECRET. grant_type fb_exchange_token fb_exchange_token..

facebook chat api - php


client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret . code . code access_token file_get_contents token_url..

Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob?


. client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret . code . code response file_get_contents token_url..

Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP


client_id . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url . client_secret . app_secret . code . code access_token file_get_contents token_url..

Facebook graph API - OAuth Token


oauth access_token type client_cred client_id app_id client_secret app secret ' This returns a token with a string length of 41...

Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?


redirecturl urlencode redirecturl url . redirecturl url . client_secret . this secret url . code . code data this get_data url parse_str..

Facebook OAuthException: “user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action”


oauth access_token client_id FB_APP_ID code CODE client_secret FB_SECRET redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI 3.Attempt the status update..

Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login


oauth access_token client_id YOUR_APP_ID client_secret YOUR_APP_SECRET grant_type client_credentials 2 Publish to wall.. array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid 'client_secret' appsecret ch curl_init url 'https graph.facebook.com oauth..

Connecting with FourSquare API V2 using PHP


oauth2 access_token' url . ' client_id '.CLIENT_ID url . ' client_secret '.CLIENT_SECRET url . ' grant_type authorization_code' url ...

Check if page tab app is still installed


oauth access_token client_id YOUR_APP_ID client_secret YOUR_APP_SECRET grant_type client_credentials Then you can use..

Automatic Soundcloud PHP Api authentication without user interaction


client soundcloud.Client client_id 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID' client_secret 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' username 'YOUR_USERNAME' password 'YOUR_PASSWORD'..

fb_exchange_token for PHP only working once user removes app


graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id APPID client_secret APPSECRET grant_type fb_exchange_token fb_exchange_token ACCESSTOKEN..

Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP


API Key redirect_url Service that Handles Authentication client_secret Your App Secret code User Acceptance Code client_id This is.. THIS HAS TO BE THE SAME URL YOU USED ABOVE TO GET THE CODE client_secret This is your App Secret Code that you got from Facebook when..

How to refresh token with Google API client?


client_secret refresh_token 1 lov250YQTMCC9LRQbE6yMv FiX_Offo79UXimV8kvwY.. 'oauth2_client_id' client setClientSecret config 'oauth2_client_secret' client setRedirectUri config 'oauth2_redirect_uri' client setScopes..

Displaying Facebook posts to non-Facebook users


graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id app_id client_secret app_secret grant_type fb_exchange_token fb_exchange_token existing_token..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?


to generate a client_auth_url using your client_id client_secret and redirect_uri Login to Google using cURL. Be sure to use.. the Location header of the response. Using your client_id client_secret redirect_uri and the activation code from Step 4 post a request.. to the Google's OAuth2 Token machine with your client_id client_secret redirect_uri and refresh_token when your access_token expires..