

php Programming Glossary: console.log

Sessions and uploadify


artistsphotosupload data artist fi success function msg console.log msg And in php if i try _SESSION 'name' 'something' I can't..

How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


POST 'testSave.php' false ajax.onreadystatechange function console.log ajax.responseText ajax.setRequestHeader 'Content Type' 'application.. x www form urlencoded' ajax.onreadystatechange function console.log ajax.responseText ajax.send imgData canvasData And now the image.. url script.php data imgBase64 dataURL .done function o console.log 'saved' If you want the file to be visible in the browser please..

How to get the jQuery $.ajax error response text?


url doIt.php dataType text error function request error console.log arguments alert Can't do because error success function alert..

JavaScript: How do I create JSONP?


you can use the script tag script function receiver data console.log data script script src data service.php callback receiver script..

Pass data from jQuery to PHP for an ajax post


function postContacts this autoRender false echo ' script console.log post contacts script ' But I am confused as to how the data.. returnedData do something here with the returnedData console.log returnedData The data should be in the form name 'value' anotherName..

Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API


method FB.login function response if response.authResponse console.log 'Welcome Fetching your information.... ' FB.api ' me' function.. your information.... ' FB.api ' me' function response console.log 'Good to see you ' response.name '.' FB.logout function response.. to see you ' response.name '.' FB.logout function response console.log 'Logged out.' else console.log 'User cancelled login or did..

jQuery Ajax POST example with php


response textStatus jqXHR log a message to the console console.log Hooray it worked callback handler that will be called on failure.. function response log the response to the console console.log Response response Note The above JavaScript is made to work..

How to implement event listening in PHP


'debug' function event var data JSON.parse event.data console.log event.type data stream.addEventListener 'message' function event.. 'message' function event var data JSON.parse event.data console.log event.type data router.php This is a long running process that..

Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically


'post' function response if response response.error console.log 'postRestaurant Error occured ' response.error.message else.. Error occured ' response.error.message else console.log 'postRestaurant Post was successful Action ID ' response.id..

How can I pass variables from JavaScript to PHP?


parseInt '#prices span' .text gloss matt curLam 'gloss' console.log '1' if this .val 'matt' curLam 'matt' '#prices span' .text parseInt.. parseInt '#prices span' .text gloss matt curLam 'matt' console.log '2' #prices span .each function var priceValue this This checks..