

php Programming Glossary: curl_setopt_array

Starting phantomjs server from php and waiting for it's response


5 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS http_build_query post ch curl_init curl_setopt_array ch options defaults if result curl_exec ch trigger_error curl_error..

Get a URL from a String


CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 120 CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS 10 ch curl_init url curl_setopt_array ch options content curl_exec ch err curl_errno ch errmsg curl_error.. CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 120 CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS 10 ch curl_init url curl_setopt_array ch options content curl_exec ch err curl_errno ch errmsg curl_error..

PHP get_headers() reports different headers than CURL


print_r headers echo n nCURL headers n n curl curl_init curl_setopt_array curl array CURLOPT_HEADER true CURLOPT_NOBODY true CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..

Screen Scraping of aspx page using curl [closed]


__LASTFOCUS '.urlencode '' ch curl_init url curl_setopt_array ch options php asp.net curl screen scraping share improve..

get_headers Inconsistency [closed]


find out that CURL also has the same issue curl curl_init curl_setopt_array curl array CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true CURLOPT_URL 'idontexist.tld'..

Handling PUT/DELETE arguments in PHP


up an array of CURLOPT_XX constants and sends them to curl_setopt_array when the built up cURL request is executed. I am attempting..

php curl: i need a simple post request and retrival of page example


array 'field1' 'some date' 'field2' 'some other data' curl_setopt_array ch curlConfig result curl_exec ch curl_close ch result sent..

How do I check for valid (not dead) links programatically using PHP?


do a HEAD request only CURLOPT_TIMEOUT timeout set timeout curl_setopt_array ch opts curl_exec ch do it retval curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE..



10 stop after 10 redirects ch curl_init url curl_setopt_array ch options content curl_exec ch err curl_errno ch errmsg curl_error.. false Disabled SSL Cert checks ch curl_init url curl_setopt_array ch options content curl_exec ch err curl_errno ch errmsg curl_error..

Manually parse raw HTTP data with PHP


data I'm sending the data with libcurl like so pseudo code curl_setopt_array CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS array 'user_id' 3 'post_id' 5 'image' '@..

upload a file to server without using a form?


start with ch curl_init 'http api.blabla.com huhu.php' curl_setopt_array ch array CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS array 'files ' '@ path to file'..

PHP get_headers() alternative


response code to the response_code variable curl curl_init curl_setopt_array curl array CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true CURLOPT_URL 'http stackoverflow.com'.. you can issue a HEAD request like this curl curl_init curl_setopt_array curl array CURLOPT_HEADER true CURLOPT_NOBODY true CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..

Download Remote File to Server with PHP


__FILE__ . ' downloads a.apk' 'w ' ch curl_init url curl_setopt_array ch array CURLOPT_URL url CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER 1 CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..

Error using PHP cURL with SSL certificates


5.0 ' CURLOPT_VERBOSE true CURLOPT_URL 'https website' curl_setopt_array handle options curl_exec handle if curl_errno handle echo 'Error..

Bad Request. Connecting to sites via curl on host and system


using the curl extension. There is a nice function called curl_setopt_array which allows you to set multiple options at once. It will return.. questions tagged java handle curl_init url curl_setopt_array handle curlDefault html curl_exec handle curl_close handle This.. questions tagged java handle curl_init url curl_setopt_array handle curlDefault html curl_exec handle urlEndpoint curl_getinfo..