

php Programming Glossary: explode

How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP?


cannot redefine built in function ' matches 1 ' args explode preg_replace s matches 2 get the arguments if stack this nfx..

Replace URLs in text with HTML links


using preg_match . Solution 2 validTlds array_fill_keys explode .aero .asia .biz .cat .com .coop .edu .gov .info .int .jobs..

How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP?


break output into lines arp `arp a ipAddress` lines explode n arp #look for the output line describing our IP address foreach..

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?


check if multiple ips exist in var iplist explode ' ' _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' foreach iplist as ip if this.. as key if array_key_exists key _SERVER true foreach explode ' ' _SERVER key as ip ip trim ip just to be safe if filter_var.. if strpos _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ' ' false iplist explode ' ' _SERVER 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' foreach iplist as ip if..

URL rewriting with PHP


_SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' ' Trim leading slash es elements explode ' ' path Split path on slashes if count elements 0 No path..

How to extract a file extension in PHP?


read everywhere on the web with various answers ext end explode '.' filename ext substr strrchr filename '.' 1 ext substr filename..

Calculating days of week given a week number


Assuming date is in format DD MM YYYY list day month year explode _REQUEST date Get the weekday of the given date wkday date 'l'..

How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess?


the _GET 'url' variable as you please path_components explode ' ' _GET 'url' ctrl path_components 0 id path_components 1 tab..

Insert/update helper function using PDO


substr set 0 2 used like this id intval _POST 'id' fields explode name surname lastname address zip fax phone _POST 'date' _POST.. ` field` values _POST field return rtrim set ' ' fields explode name surname lastname address zip fax phone date _POST 'date'..

PHP: Split string


how do I get a php string share improve this question explode does the job parts explode '.' string You can also directly.. share improve this question explode does the job parts explode '.' string You can also directly fetch parts of the result into..

Seamless way to check if user likes page


signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode '.' signed_request 2 decode the data sig base64_url_decode encoded_sig..

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?


key array y m d h i s a array_combine key array_map intval explode date Y m d H i s one b array_combine key array_map intval explode.. date Y m d H i s one b array_combine key array_map intval explode date Y m d H i s two result array result y b y a y result m..

String with array structure to Array


code I have lying around that does what you need¹ path explode '.' key root target while count path 1 branch array_shift path..

Explode a paragraph into sentences in PHP


a paragraph into sentences in PHP I have been using explode..

Calculate years from date


date Example GetAge 1986 06 18 function getAge Birthdate Explode the date into meaningful variables list BirthYear BirthMonth..

Creating a site to query a database of tables


allows the user to enter some data separated by commas. Explode the data based on commas hold it in an array. Connect to my..

“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate]


when they login. Parse the strings into arrays. arrUsers Explode strUsers arrGroups Explode strGroups if in_array UserName arrUsers.. strings into arrays. arrUsers Explode strUsers arrGroups Explode strGroups if in_array UserName arrUsers isValid true Or you..

Implode and Explode Multi dimensional arrays [duplicate]


and Explode Multi dimensional arrays duplicate This question already has..

Explode PHP string by new line


PHP string by new line Simple right Well this isn't working..

Javascript Equivalent to PHP Explode()


Equivalent to PHP Explode I have a string that looks like this 0000000020C90037 TEMP..