

php Programming Glossary: filter_sanitize_string

Is this mail() function safe from header injection?


create short variable names name filter_var _POST 'Name' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING email filter_var _POST 'Email' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL.. FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING email filter_var _POST 'Email' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL subject filter_var _POST 'Subject' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.. FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL subject filter_var _POST 'Subject' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING message filter_var _POST 'Message' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING set..

How to sort the results of this code?


have php include config.php search_term filter_var _GET s FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING User enetered data search_term str_replace search_term remove..

hide a folder path when user downloads a file


_GET 'img' die Invalid URL nameOld filter_var _GET 'img' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW nameNew uniqid..

XSS filtering function in PHP


You can also use filter_var for that str filter_var input FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING The advantage of filter_var is that you can control the behaviour..

PHP: Illegal string-offset


options self SAVE_FILTER_HIGH and mixed filter_var mixed FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH this options self SAVE_FILTER_LOW and.. options self SAVE_FILTER_LOW and mixed filter_var mixed FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW this options self SAVE_FILTER and mixed.. this options self SAVE_FILTER and mixed filter_var mixed FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW return mixed..

Examples of vulnerable PHP code?


Best way to Integrate a Javascript result with PHP


'sentNums' sentNumbers filter_input INPUT_GET 'sentNums' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH Convert to array. numbers split ' ' sentNumbers..

what is a good method to sanitize the whole $_POST array in php?


sanitizing each _POST value with filter_var _POST 'var' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING I was after a more simple piece of code. I came up with the.. which seems to work as I believe the default action is FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING but I was just wondering what peoples opinions are and if this.. the following should suffice filter_var _POST 'message' FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING All this does is basically strip tags and encode special characters...

Easiest Form validation library for PHP? [closed]


FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL break case 'string' default filter FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES break output filter_var..

Is this the correct way to send email with PHP?


ini_set 'sendmail_from' from name filter_var name FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING from filter_var from FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL subject filter_var.. from FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL subject filter_var subject FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING boundary '_Boundary_' . md5 microtime true . mt_rand 0 PHP_INT_MAX..