

php Programming Glossary: fos_userbundle

How to make a separate url for signin via Facebook using FOSFacebookBundle in Symfony2


my security.yml providers chain_provider providers fos_userbundle fos_facebook fos_userbundle id fos_user.user_manager fos_facebook.. chain_provider providers fos_userbundle fos_facebook fos_userbundle id fos_user.user_manager fos_facebook id fos_facebook.auth firewalls.. login_path login check_path login_check facebook provider fos_userbundle fos_userbundle login_path login check_path login_check form..

How to disable redirection after login_check in Symfony 2


and in security.yml firewalls main form_login provider fos_userbundle failure_path null failure_forward false php symfony2 share..