

php Programming Glossary: getformfields

How to login in with Curl and SSL and cookies


example I created from your code. This uses a function getFormFields that I wrote for a similar question first reference at the bottom.. the hidden inputs from the form required to login fields getFormFields content fields 'emailAddress' EMAIL fields 'acctPassword' PASSWORD.. perform login result curl_exec ch print result function getFormFields data if preg_match ' form action op. form is' data matches inputs..

Retrieve Android Market mylibrary with curl


market.android.com mylibrary' data curl_exec ch formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD.. true result curl_exec ch echo result function getFormFields data if preg_match ' form id . gaia_loginform. form is' data..

Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off?


www.google.com alerts manage' data curl_exec ch formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD.. null result curl_exec ch var_dump result function getFormFields data if preg_match ' form. id . gaia_loginform. form is' data..