

php Programming Glossary: gzipping

304 Not Modified issue


Finally solved this bug. Gzip was the culprit. Since I was gzipping the responses to If Modified Since and If None Match requests.. kind of a gzip header to the response. Now I have stopped gzipping responses to If Modified Since and If None Match requests and..



to control this from a .htaccess file where I also do the gzipping rather than the having to include php to each file. I'd like..

PHP Flush that works… even in Nginx


Apache's mod_gzip or Nginx's gzip because logically it is gzipping the content and to do that it must buffer content to gzip it... it must buffer content to gzip it. Any sort of web server gzipping would affect this. In short at the server side we need to disable..

Gzip compression through .htaccess not working


offer the same ability. There is one gotcha regarding gzipping .js and .css files on IE6 to watch out for. I think it is only..

How to benchmark efficiency of PHP script


the goal The former can be helped by doing things like gzipping all resources sent to the browser yet doing so could in some..