

php Programming Glossary: image_name

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ',' or ';' in


'type' private image_size _FILES 'file' 'size' private image_name _FILES 'file' 'name' private image_dimensions getimagesize temp_dir..

Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob?


. animaged_gif 'link' http www.xxx.com images.php i . image_name 'picture' http www.xxx.com thumbnails . image_name. .png 'actions'.. i . image_name 'picture' http www.xxx.com thumbnails . image_name. .png 'actions' array 'name' 'See Pic' 'link' http www.xxx.com.. 'name' 'See Pic' 'link' http www.xxx.com images.php i . image_name post facebook api page_id feed post args As you can see that..

How can I store and retrieve images from a MySQL database using PHP?


null default '' image_ctgy varchar 25 not null default '' image_name varchar 50 not null default '' Then you can write an image to.. sprintf INSERT INTO testblob image_type image image_size image_name VALUES ' s' ' s' ' d' ' s' mysql_real_escape_string size 'mime'..

How to display an Image from a mysql blob


in the URL url _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' url_parts explode url image_name array_pop url_parts Now you have just the image filename. Do..

Image resize PHP [duplicate]


newWidth newHeight newname ROOTPATH.LOCALDIR. images . image_name image_name is generated copy imagecopyresized imgHolder _FILES.. newHeight newname ROOTPATH.LOCALDIR. images . image_name image_name is generated copy imagecopyresized imgHolder _FILES 'image'..

Resize image on upload php


' h1 You have exceeded the size limit h1 ' errors 1 exit image_name LibID.'.'. extension newname uimages . image_name copied copy.. 1 exit image_name LibID.'.'. extension newname uimages . image_name copied copy _FILES 'image' 'tmp_name' newname if copied echo..

How to display all the images stored inside a database


image_desc count addslashes _POST 'imageDescription' count image_name count addslashes _FILES 'image ' 'name' count echo ' br ' image_size..

Posting images via wp.uploadFile XML RPC


'http myblog.com xmlrpc.php' mediaarray array name image_name type atrybuty mime bits base64_encode file overwrite false if.. 'http myblog.com xmlrpc.php' mediaarray array name image_name type atrybuty mime bits new IXR_Base64 file overwrite false..

How can I make an Android app communicate with a web server over the internet?


else NO String executeMultipartPost Bitmap bm String image_name String resp null try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream.. upload_image.php ByteArrayBody bab new ByteArrayBody data image_name MultipartEntity reqEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE..