

php Programming Glossary: ldap_bind



having problems with it. I get the following error Warning ldap_bind function.ldap bind Unable to bind to server Can't contact LDAP.. valid LDAP server print ds if ds echo br br Binding ... r ldap_bind ds this is an anonymous bind typically read only access echo..

PHP LDAP Get User Attributes, Including Associated Groups


0 We need this for doing an LDAP search. if TRUE ldap_bind ldap_connection ldap_username ldap_password die ' p Failed to..

Authenticate against ldap using PHP, active directory, while using IE/Firefox


if ds username johndoe@domain.com upasswd pass ldapbind ldap_bind ds username upasswd if ldapbind print Congratulations username..

Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory


of code... ldap ldap_connect ldap.example.com if bind ldap_bind ldap _POST 'username' _POST 'password' log them in else error..

Active Directory Lookup via PHP


to LDAP server. if ldapconn binding anonymously ldapbind ldap_bind ldapconn if ldapbind echo LDAP bind anonymous successful.....

How should I store a user's LDAP password in a cookie?


to me from the accounts people which basically amounts to ldap_bind connection username password . But of course I want my users..

Problems with secure bind to Active Directory using PHP


E_USER_WARNING ldap_set_option con LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS 0 if ldap_bind con username . account_suffix password die 'All went well using.. 0 encrypted ldap_start_tls con if encrypted ldap_bind con username . account_suffix password Unecrypted works but.. ldap_create ldap_url_parse_ext ldaps ldap.example.com 636 ldap_bind_s ldap_simple_bind_s ldap_sasl_bind_s ldap_sasl_bind ldap_send_initial_request..

Authenticating user using LDAP from PHP


using the LDAP account to bind and LDAP account password ldap_bind if you're authenticating against an Active Directory server.. server with the password given at the authentication page ldap_bind if the bind succeeds then everything is OK if not most likely..

Change Password in Active Directory using LDAP/PHP/IIS/SSL


CN Administrator CN Users DC TestDomain DC local result ldap_bind ldap_conn username@ ldap_domain password or die br Error Couldn't..