

php Programming Glossary: lemon

php regex: lookbehind and lookahead and greediness problem


tags p2 p2 So in this text apple p2 banana p2 grape p2 lemon p2 it should match banana and lemon . The regex I've worked.. p2 banana p2 grape p2 lemon p2 it should match banana and lemon . The regex I've worked up so far is p2 . p2 But this is too.. starting with the b in banana and ends with the n in lemon matching banana p2 grape p2 lemon . How do I just match banana..

PHP add node to existing xml file and save


cake cake birthday cake cakes pies pie apple pie pie lemon pie pies desserts If this is in a file and you want to add a..

PHP : Create array for JSON


this php json share improve this question Easy peasy lemon squeezy http www.php.net manual en function.json encode.php..

PHP Lexer and Parser Generator?


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