

php Programming Glossary: location.href

How to dynamically populate options on dropdown lists based on selection in another dropdown?


This script returns all subcategoties .ajax type POST url location.href data data success function data Your return categories in data..

How can I get the uploaded file details from uploadify after completion


'onComplete' function event queueID fileObj reponse data location.href complete.php script head body div id sample div id sampleFile.. The path on the server to the uploaded file location.href complete.php filename fileObj.name filepath fileObj.filePath.. the onComplete event. Then pass these params like this location.href complete.php filename fileObj.name filepath fileObj.filePath..

Don't get error message if login name is wrong, just blank div, but I can detect wrong password if username is correct


NOTOK echo msg . ' input type button value Retry onClick location.href '. 'login.php' else echo ' p class statusmsg You have succesfully..

How to redirect to another page using PHP


how to call a php function on button click


html And Called.php php if isset _GET Submit1 echo script location.href 'http stackoverflow.com' script if isset _GET B1 echo script.. stackoverflow.com' script if isset _GET B1 echo script location.href 'http google.com ' script exit if isset _GET B2 List item echo..

Codeigniter (CSRF) jQuery ajax problem


woho var doScroll 1 var cct .cookie 'csrf_cookie_name' if location.href baseurl window .scroll function if window .scrollTop 'body'.. cct .cookie php echo this config item csrf_cookie_name if location.href baseurl window .scroll function if window .scrollTop 'body'..

PHP generate file for download then redirect


refresh content 5 url http site create_csv.php Javascript location.href ' http site create_csv.php ' iframe iframe src create_csv.php..