

php Programming Glossary: mytable

Can I parameterize the table name in a prepared statement?


within the SQL sent to the database so SELECT FROM with mytable as the param would actually end up sending SELECT FROM 'mytable'.. as the param would actually end up sending SELECT FROM 'mytable' to the database which is invalid SQL. Your best bet is just.. SQL. Your best bet is just to continue with SELECT FROM mytable but you absolutely should have a white list of tables that you..

How to create a secure mysql prepared statement in php?


use the completely unsecure SQL statement qry SELECT FROM mytable where userid ' _GET 'userid' ' AND category ' _GET 'category'.. mysqli host user pw database stmt db prepare SELECT FROM mytable where userid AND category ORDER BY id DESC stmt bind_param 'ii'..

How to iterate by row through a mysql query in php


this question result mysql_query SELECT id name FROM mytable while row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_NUM printf ID s Name..

Good tutorial on how to update your Mysql database with a PHP form? [closed]


we'll want to do is place these in a query sql UPDATE mytable SET value ' value ' WHERE id id This is a good time not state.. the query that will be ran actually looks like this UPDATE mytable SET value 'Jonathan' WHERE id 12 Now in order to run this we..

PHP/MySQL Insert null values


. It looks a bit like this results mysql_query select from mytable while row mysql_fetch_assoc results mysql_query insert into..

Get Last Executed Query in PHP PDO


I have php try DBH new PDO mysql host localhost dbname mytable 'myuser' 'mypass' catch PDOException e echo e getMessage DBH.. PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION STH DBH INSERT INTO mytable column1 column2 column3 etc... value column1 column2 column3.. is my query I would like to get something like INSERT INTO mytable column1 column2 column3 value 'my first column' 32 'some text'..

Use one bind_param() with variable number of input vars


use variable binding like this stmt mysqli prepare UPDATE mytable SET myvar1 myvar2 ... WHERE id stmt bind_param ss... _POST 'myvar1'.. _POST '...' and although I can build the string UPDATE mytable SET... to my needs bind_param is a different beast. I could.. '' params name _POST name if count params query 'UPDATE mytable SET ' foreach params as name val query . name.' ' query substr..

UPDATE/DELETE in mysql and get the list of affected row ids?


the following code creates a trigger on a table named mytable which has a field id CREATE TRIGGER mytable_delete AFTER DELETE.. a table named mytable which has a field id CREATE TRIGGER mytable_delete AFTER DELETE ON mytable FOR EACH ROW SET @deletedIDs.. a field id CREATE TRIGGER mytable_delete AFTER DELETE ON mytable FOR EACH ROW SET @deletedIDs CONCAT_WS ' ' @deletedIDs OLD.id..

php/MySQL insert row then get 'id'


share improve this question mysql_query INSERT INTO mytable 1 2 3 'blah' id mysql_insert_id See mysql_insert_id . Whatever.. you do don't insert and then do a SELECT MAX id FROM mytable . Like you say it's a race condition and there's no need. mysql_insert_id..

How to properly set up a PDO connection


something similar to this id 123 sql 'SELECT whatever FROM MyTable WHERE id id' qry con prepare sql qry bindParam ' id' id PDO..

Displaying a table in PHP with repeated columns


to hold EmployeeId and the class. Dictionary string MyTable MyData new string MyTable Table MyMetaData new Table MyMetaData.. and the class. Dictionary string MyTable MyData new string MyTable Table MyMetaData new Table MyMetaData SomeMetaData getMetaValueList..

Generate Entities with Doctrine into separate namespace


metadata orm from database force em first_manager filter MyTable Note The filter option is used to allow you generate your entities.. import AcmeBlogBundle annotation em first_manager filter MyTable php app console doctrine generate entities AcmeBlogBundle Your..

Are PHP MySQLi prepared queries with bound parameters secure?


in place of literal values only sql SELECT FROM MyTable WHERE id . _GET id not safe sql SELECT FROM MyTable WHERE id.. FROM MyTable WHERE id . _GET id not safe sql SELECT FROM MyTable WHERE id safe But what if you need to make part of the query.. the query dynamic besides a literal value sql SELECT FROM MyTable ORDER BY . _GET sortcolumn not safe sql SELECT FROM MyTable..

Master / Slave switch in the Zend Framework application layer


Zend_Db_Table setDefaultAdapter readDb myReadTable new MyTable use default adapter myWriteTable new MyTable writeDb row myTable.. new MyTable use default adapter myWriteTable new MyTable writeDb row myTable find 1234 current row column1 'value' row..

I have an array of integers, how do I use each one in a mysql query (in php)?


It's not that hard ids array 2 4 6 8 sql UPDATE MyTable SET LastUpdated GETDATE WHERE id stmt mysqli prepare sql for.. 2 4 6 8 params implode array_fill 0 count ids sql UPDATE MyTable SET LastUpdated GETDATE WHERE id IN params stmt mysqli prepare..

How to sort rows of HTML table that are called from MySQL


in the php code do something like this php sql SELECT FROM MyTable if _GET 'sort' 'type' sql . ORDER BY type elseif _GET 'sort'..

How to correct double-encoded UTF-8 strings sitting in MySQL utf8_general_ci fields?


doesn't convert the characters at any point. ALTER TABLE MyTable MODIFY MyColumn ... CHARACTER SET latin1 ALTER TABLE MyTable.. MODIFY MyColumn ... CHARACTER SET latin1 ALTER TABLE MyTable MODIFY MyColumn ... CHARACTER SET binary ALTER TABLE MyTable.. MODIFY MyColumn ... CHARACTER SET binary ALTER TABLE MyTable MODIFY MyColumn ... CHARACTER SET utf8 is the correct syntax..

What does it mean to escape a string?


Select and we wanted to select that SELECT select FROM myTable We've now introduced some ambiguity into our query. Within our.. that ambiguity by using back ticks SELECT `select` FROM myTable This removes the confusion we've introduced by using poor judgment..

mysql automaticaly cast strings to integer


that if I do a MySQL request like this one SELECT 1 FROM myTable WHERE id 'asdf' Then the string 'asdf' is casted to 0 . It means.. via PHP. id 'asdf' if is_numeric id query SELECT 1 FROM myTable WHERE id id else die ID is not numeric Or you can do SELECT.. id else die ID is not numeric Or you can do SELECT 1 FROM myTable WHERE id 'asdf' AND 'asdf' REGEXP '^ 0 9 ' This would cause..

Mysql query, select nearest places by a given coordinates


pi 180 180 pi 60 1.1515 1.609344 as distance FROM `ci_geo` myTable WHERE distance . distance. LIMIT 15 and you can take a look..

access denied to PHP from Blackberry 10 platform using phonegap - closed


Following is the function code function getAllDetails var myTable '' myTable ' table id myTable cellspacing 0 cellpadding 2 border.. is the function code function getAllDetails var myTable '' myTable ' table id myTable cellspacing 0 cellpadding 2 border 1 ' myTable.. function getAllDetails var myTable '' myTable ' table id myTable cellspacing 0 cellpadding 2 border 1 ' myTable tr td b S.No...

Warning when using mysql_fetch_assoc in PHP [duplicate]


that you've got an error in your SQL. sql SLEECT FROM myTable result mysql_query sql var_dump result bool false Obviously..

Master / Slave switch in the Zend Framework application layer


use default adapter myWriteTable new MyTable writeDb row myTable find 1234 current row column1 'value' row setTable myWriteTable..

Array in SQL Query?


2 there myarray 3 everybody My MySQL Statement SELECT FROM myTable WHERE title ' . myarray . ' Is there any way to realize that.. count . ' OR where substr where 0 3 ..... SELECT FROM myTable WHERE . where. But if i had thousands of entries in my array..

Populating dropdown - PHP Ajax MySQL


_REQUEST first query SELECT . first. FROM myTable GROUP BY . first data mysql_query query echo select id second..

How can I store the '??#39; symbol in MySQL using PHP?


. However the following code in PHP currency ' sql UPDATE myTable SET currency ' currency' WHERE user ' user' mysql_query sql..