

php Programming Glossary: nbsp

htmlentities in PHP but preserving html tags


one It will get you something like this array ' ' string ' nbsp ' length 6 '¡' string ' iexcl ' length 7 '¢' string ' cent '..

php Replacing multiple spaces with a single space


it. I need to replace multiple white spaces and multiple nbsp white spaces with a single white space. php regex share improve..

PHP recursive directory path


that this file is not to be ignored spaces str_repeat ' nbsp ' level 4 Just to add spacing to the list to better show the..

How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?


width 300 border 1 tr td label Multiple Selection label nbsp td td select name select2 size 3 multiple multiple tabindex.. option option value 20 twenty option select td tr tr td nbsp td td input type submit name Submit value Submit tabindex 2..

Detect “overall average” color of the picture


echo tr td style 'background color # color width 2em ' nbsp td td # color td tr n echo table n Which gives you an array.. echo tr td style 'background color # color width 2em ' nbsp td td # color td tr n echo table n closedir handle might not..

Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`?


tr class static td id validation class send colspan cols nbsp td td colspan 1 class send input type submit value lang 'T_SEND'..

PHP + MySql + Stored Procedures, how do I get access an “out” value?


while row result fetch_row foreach row as cell echo cell nbsp result close if mysqli more_results echo br while mysqli next_result..

DOMDocument in php


91 border 0 width 172 class src img a td td width 10 nbsp td td valign top table cellspacing 0 cellpadding 0 border 0..

Undefined index in PHP [duplicate]


td input name SSN type text id SSN td tr tr td width 100 nbsp td td input name SUBMIT type SUBMIT id ADD value ADD td tr table..

echo problems in PHP


fgmembersite GetLoginSessionVar 'sa' echo ' tr td nbsp td tr tr class subone td class sub width 100 ' if.. ID and name echo''. file_employee.'' echo' br nbsp td ' if _SESSION fgmembersite GetLoginSessionVar 'sa' .. ID and name echo''. file_ename.'' a br nbsp td php else echo ' td class sub width 182 ' if..

How to remove html special chars?


But strip_tags is not removing html special code chars nbsp amp copy etc Please tell me any function using which I can remove..

Walk array recursively and print the path of the walk


array_name as k v if is_array v for i 0 i ident 10 i echo nbsp echo k . . br listArrayRecursive v ident 1 else for i 0.. v ident 1 else for i 0 i ident 10 i echo nbsp echo k . . v . br else echo Variable . array_name listArrayRecursive.. array_name as k v if is_array v for i 0 i ident 10 i echo nbsp echo k . . br path . k . ' ' listArrayRecursive v ident 1..

Geo Location based on IP Address - PHP [closed]


from page patterns array patterns domain '#Domain . nbsp #i' patterns country '#Country . nbsp #i' patterns state '#State.. domain '#Domain . nbsp #i' patterns country '#Country . nbsp #i' patterns state '#State Region . br#i' patterns town '#City..