

php Programming Glossary: newest

How to get X newest files from a directory in PHP?


to get X newest files from a directory in PHP The code below is part of a function..

Google Drive PHP SDK saves an Untitled file


When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached?


be. All of this points were enough for me to switch to the newest client and can tell you that it works like a charm. There is..

Installing PHPUnit via PEAR


people with the same problem but upgrading PEAR to the newest version usually worked for them. Also there seems to be close..

download gmail attachements from php


each... if emails begin output var output '' put the newest emails on top rsort emails for every email... foreach emails..

how to use imap in php to fetch mail body content


each... if emails begin output var output '' put the newest emails on top rsort emails for every email... foreach emails..

Web Page Screenshots with PHP?


also mentions Linux alternatives. edit wkhtml2image is the newest kid in town and it works better then anything else i've ever..

post to tumblr using php


the above answer by Tuga because it DOES NOT work with the newest Tumblr API. What you need is TumblrOAuth which is built from..

PDO's rowCount() Not Working on PHP 5.2.6+


installed I discover this . We tried upgrading to the newest stable release 5.2.9 but the problem persists. Has anyone found..

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)


this text file I've looked around and it seems that in the newest versions of PHP 5.3 json_decode is actually faster than unserialize..

PHP PDO Connection to SQL Server with integrated security?


server serverName Database dbName My testing was with the newest driver released June 2010 SQL Server Driver for PHP 2.0 CTP2..

Best DB (MySQL) structure: Articles which contain favored tags


articles are shown on the front page ordered by date. The newest one first. The news are in the table news with the fields id..

Getting Last Inserted Id From MySQL in Yii


won't work for you. Use a normal SELECT to find out the newest login instead e.g. by using ORDER by creationtime DESC LIMIT..