

php Programming Glossary: nh

imagecreatefrompng() Makes a black background instead of transparent?


this is my php thumbnail maker code function cropImage nw nh source stype dest size getimagesize source w size 0 h size 1.. source break dimg imagecreatetruecolor nw nh wm w nw hm h nh h_height nh 2 w_height nw 2 if w h adjusted_width.. source break dimg imagecreatetruecolor nw nh wm w nw hm h nh h_height nh 2 w_height nw 2 if w h adjusted_width w hm half_width..

How to code php function or set parameters to return NO height values for images?


i 1 nw arr_w i col_class col_class_base . i 1 break nh w or h nw intval h nw w set new height grid_img matches2 0 add.. ' grid_img grid_img preg_replace ' height d ' 'height '. nh .' ' grid_img check image link chk_imglink ' a . rel lightbox.. if w arr_w i col_class col_class_base . i 1 break nh w or h nw intval h nw w set new height grid_img matches2 0 if..

Rounded transparent _smooth_ corners using imagecopyresampled() PHP GD


255 b rand 0 255 while imagecolorexact src r g b 0 nw w q nh h q img imagecreatetruecolor nw nh alphacolor imagecolorallocatealpha.. src r g b 0 nw w q nh h q img imagecreatetruecolor nw nh alphacolor imagecolorallocatealpha img r g b 127 imagealphablending.. imagesavealpha img true imagefilledrectangle img 0 0 nw nh alphacolor imagefill img 0 0 alphacolor imagecopyresampled img..