

php Programming Glossary: ob_clean

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'Cache Control must revalidate' header 'Pragma public' ob_clean flush echo body Also if I echo the data and convert it to a..

Creating a Secure File Hosting Server for PDFs


Secure files for download


Content-Length header always zero


public' header 'Content Length ' . filesize strPath ob_clean flush readfile strPath exit else die 'Restricted access' When..

How to Build a PHP Queue System


stream_set_blocking pipe true if QUEUESERVER_FORK ob_clean The hardest part was getting the pcntl functions to work on..

How can I password protect a binary file download?


'Pragma public' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file ob_clean flush readfile file exit form method POST action User input..

Force-downloading, from php file


Y H i s' filemtime path . ' GMT' header 'Pragma no cache' ob_clean flush readfile path I open my php file and firefox pops up with..

Files sometimes download as .PHP instead of .PDF?


php file download share improve this question Adding ob_clean and flush functions before the readfile function could be something.. readfile http php.net manual en function.readfile.php ob_clean http php.net manual en function.ob clean.php flush http php.net..

Sending correct file size with PHP download script


header 'Content Length '.filesize file Flush the cache ob_clean flush Send file to browser readfile file DO NOT DO ANYTHING..

PHP - send file to user


PHP Force Download Causing 0 Byte Files


'Pragma public' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file ob_clean flush readfile file exit else echo File does not exists And..

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'Pragma public' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file ob_clean flush readfile file exit It is working on my localserver upto..

Download file through an ajax call php


Disposition attachment filename '. downloadFileName ob_clean flush readfile fileName exit echo done But If I run it at the..

Headers already sent by PHP


the buffered extraneous spaces become a problem. Though ob_clean often is another workaround. The buffer is limited in size...

Force file download with php using header() [duplicate]


public' header 'Content Length ' . filesize Image.png ob_clean flush readfile Image.png exit I've even tried to use the most..

Test PHP headers with PHPunit


'Location foo' headers_list headers_list header_remove ob_clean this assertContains 'Location foo' headers_list or even this.. testHeaders ob_start header 'Location foo' header_remove ob_clean return this error name@host ~ test # phpunit verbose HeadersTest.php..

php file force download


'Pragma public' header 'Content Length ' . filesize file ob_clean flush readfile file exit php download share improve this..