

php Programming Glossary: param_null

PHP mysql PDO refuses to set NULL value


null PDO PARAM_INT Null Null bindValue ' param' null PDO PARAM_NULL 'Null' Int bindValue ' param' 'NULL' PDO PARAM_INT 'Null' Null.. PDO PARAM_INT 'Null' Null bindValue ' param' 'NULL' PDO PARAM_NULL Null bindValue ' param' null 'Null' bindValue ' param' 'NULL'.. `can_be_null` VALUES null stmt bindValue null null PDO PARAM_NULL stmt execute Pass in PHP's null with type of PDO PARAM_NULL..

How do I insert NULL values using PDO?


v1 v2 ... VALUES v1 v2 ... ' stmt bindParam ' v1' PDO PARAM_NULL Here's the problem PDO PARAM_NULL null '' all of them fail and.. stmt bindParam ' v1' PDO PARAM_NULL Here's the problem PDO PARAM_NULL null '' all of them fail and throw this error Fatal error Cannot.. You may be tempted to do this bindValue ' param' null PDO PARAM_NULL but it did not work for everybody thank you Will Shaver for..

How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL?


so when you bind your null param make sure to use the PDO PARAM_NULL 1 type when binding a null . See the answer to this stackoverflow..

PDO Multi-query “SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error”


else if is_null value query bindValue ' '. key value PDO PARAM_NULL else query bindValue ' '. key value PDO PARAM_STR query..