

php Programming Glossary: risks



forgotten to include something. Thank You. Found this What risks should I be aware of before allowing advertisements being placed..

Should I allow 'allow_url_fopen' in PHP?


allow_url_include set to Off which mitigates many of the risks of allow_url_fopen as well. But because not all versions of..

What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key?


by reference is more performant but it isn't without risks pitfalls. Bottom line as always Which is better X or Y the only..

CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attack example and prevention in PHP


remains active after he has left your site the less risks there are that it's still valid when he visits the bad website...

How do I use cookies across two different domains?


take it for granted that you understand the security risks involved. If this information is of any value to anyone then..

What are the risks of PHP sessions?


are the risks of PHP sessions So everyone says that sessions have security.. PHP sessions So everyone says that sessions have security risks I want to know what kind of risks are these What can hackers.. sessions have security risks I want to know what kind of risks are these What can hackers do with sessions This is not about..

Will enabling XDebug on a production server make PHP slower?


Just to make things clear. I'm aware there are security risks involved. Perhaps I should complement my question and give more..

Actively maintained PHP libraries for user authentication?


PHP libraries for user authentication I'm aware of the risks of rolling your own user authentication scripts but I'm also..

How do I execute PHP that is stored in a MySQL database?


approach. Debugging is hard er it implies some security risks bad content in the DB gets executed uh oh . See blogpost by..

General purpose remote data backup and download - including InnoDb support


work securely I asked a question regarding security risks of doing this using PHP and understood that the backup file..

A RESTful persistence solution usable with backbone.js… in PHP?


site by shielding you from many of the common security risks such as using _POST arrays directly and not properly filtering..

suppressing php errors?… why?


production system you should never display errors since it risks giving up details of your code and database. Instead turn display_errors..

How can I allow my user to insert HTML code, without risks? (not only technical risks)


can I allow my user to insert HTML code without risks not only technical risks I developed a web application that.. user to insert HTML code without risks not only technical risks I developed a web application that permits my users to manage..

Does sleep time count for execution time limit?


. Will this message appear if I use sleep 31 Are there any risks when using the sleep function Does it cost a lot of CPU performance..

avoiding MySQL injections with the Zend_Db class


then it's not quoted. You're responsible for SQL injection risks because it's interpolated verbatim to support expression values.. at all so you're responsible for any SQL injection risks in that one. You can make use of the quoteInto method to help..