

php Programming Glossary: sitename

PHP warning help?


of make_list function. mysqli new mysqli localhost root sitename dbc mysqli_query mysqli SELECT task_id parent_id task FROM tasks..

Setting up NGINX reverse proxy for S3 hosted websites


my sites on a subdomain sites.development.com bucket name sitename . This is my default.conf file after nginx installation server..

warning problem: expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result [duplicate]


function getRatingText dbc mysqli_connect localhost root sitename sql1 SELECT COUNT FROM articles_grades WHERE users_articles_id..

PHP & MySQL: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given


HTMLPurifier config mysqli mysqli_connect localhost root sitename dbc mysqli_query mysqli SELECT users. profile. FROM users.. mysqli_num_rows dbc 0 mysqli mysqli_connect localhost root sitename dbc mysqli_query mysqli INSERT INTO profile user_id about_me..

XML Outputting - PHP vs JS vs Anything Else?


request auth password test username test method action ### sitename ### request results line id 6 logourl ### name Line 1 smalllogourl..

Create a webpage with Multilanguage in PHP


is simply not possible. While the string lang 'welcomeTo' sitename might translate correctly for most languages Welcome to stackoverflow.. it fails for turkish for example where it should be sitename lang 'welcomeTo' stackoverflow'a hos geldiniz or for german.. Language getCurrentLanguage translate 'welcomeTo' array 'sitename' sitename # Translation file for english configfile style welcomeTo..