

php Programming Glossary: sxe

Format output of $SimpleXML->asXML();


XML xml version '1.0' standalone 'yes' movies movies XML sxe new SimpleXMLElement xmlstr sxe addAttribute 'type' 'documentary'.. 'yes' movies movies XML sxe new SimpleXMLElement xmlstr sxe addAttribute 'type' 'documentary' movie sxe addChild 'movie'.. xmlstr sxe addAttribute 'type' 'documentary' movie sxe addChild 'movie' movie addChild 'title' 'PHP2 More Parser Stories'..

What are the “$ns” and “$is_prefix” parameters about?


in lxr it shows that this is related to the iterator sxe iter.nsprefix ns_len xmlStrdup xmlChar ns NULL sxe iter.isprefix.. sxe iter.nsprefix ns_len xmlStrdup xmlChar ns NULL sxe iter.isprefix isprefix So I assume those two specify the XML..

PHP - Processing Invalid XML


libxml_use_internal_errors true libxml_clear_errors true sxe simplexml_load_string xml if sxe return sxe fixed_xml '' last_pos.. libxml_clear_errors true sxe simplexml_load_string xml if sxe return sxe fixed_xml '' last_pos 0 foreach libxml_get_errors.. true sxe simplexml_load_string xml if sxe return sxe fixed_xml '' last_pos 0 foreach libxml_get_errors as error ..

PHP / SimpleXML - Why does Simplexml_load_string() fail to parse Google Weather API xml in Chinese (zh-CN)


the response accordingly. Something like that function sxe url xml file_get_contents url foreach http_response_header as..

PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position


example of how it might be used specific to your question sxe new SimpleXMLElement ' root nodeA nodeA nodeA nodeC nodeC nodeC.. nodeB Get the last nodeA element target current sxe xpath ' nodeA last ' Insert the new element after the last nodeA.. insert target Peek at the new XML echo sxe asXML If you want need an explanation of how this works the..

How to detect and remove unnecessary xmlns:<something> attributes in PHP DOM?


xmlns someprefix http mynamespace asd subelement element ' sxe simplexml_import_dom d namespaces sxe getDocNamespaces true.. subelement element ' sxe simplexml_import_dom d namespaces sxe getDocNamespaces true x new DOMXpath d foreach namespaces as..

SimpleXmlElement and XPath, getting empty array()


a prefix ns context for the next XPath query Example sxe registerXPathNamespace 'x' 'http checkout.google.com schema.. 'x' 'http checkout.google.com schema 2' result sxe xpath ' x notifications' As an alternative if there is no other..