

php Programming Glossary: toward

Apache vs. IIS PHP performance comparison


much better in IIS. This will no doubt make some progress toward WIMP catching up with LAMP in performance. share improve this..

How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page?


in custom written application will naturally gravitate toward the framework ish part of codebase. The really simplified versions..

How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval?


a note below I made the point that websites geared largely toward the elderly mentally challenged or very young can become confusing..

How can I use Amazon's API in PHP to search for books?


their website didn't help me one bit. They're all geared toward using cloud computing for file storage and processing but that's..

Distance between two addresses


html_instructions Head b northeast b on b Madison Ave b toward b E 56th St b html_instructions distance value 133 value text..

What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP?


equally fast since PHP 4.3 Useless Optimizations toward the bottom section C . Also this benchmarks page has a single..

PHP headers already sent [duplicate]


PHP hates my echo statements so much Here is my include toward the bottom of the HTML div id saveCanForm width 100 php include..

Why don't people use PHP for desktop applications? [closed]


life as procedural language whereas Python and Ruby tend toward being Object Oriented or are fully object oriented depending..

MySQL injection protection and vulnerability signs using PHP


I might be. Though I have taken what I think to be steps toward protecting myself and my database. Is there any sure fire way..

Can't connect to MySQL on Mac — missing mysql.sock file


Even after I added a php.ini file to etc and directed it toward the same sock that Sequel Pro was using tmp mysql.sock. But..

What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting cookies?


the whole point of encryption But the reactions below push toward Do not trust encryption to accomplish security. What am I missing..