

php Programming Glossary: treatment

User recognition without cookies or local storage


the disease you can further identify an appropriate treatment treat this user as User1 . Obviously a Disease for which we..

Break HTTP file uploading from server side by PHP or Apache


if specialRequest detect requests for special treatment same as TCP direct solution add chunks req.on 'data' function..

Javascript/PHP and timezones


date_timezone_set with this in order to apply the correct treatment to the time. b Continue treating the date as UTC but just do..

PHP: How to send HTTP response code?


one header HTTP 1.1 200 OK However this requires special treatment for Fast CGI PHP sapi_type php_sapi_name if substr sapi_type..

Building Secure Public API with PHP/MYSQL


All external _GET inputs get the mysql_real_escape_string treatment. I wanted to keep things simple but i'm not sure if this way..

Security of strip_tags() and mysqli_real_escape_string()


the following sites for additional and more comprehensive treatment on the topic of PHP security shiflett.org phpsecurity.org This..

Parentheses altering semantics of function call result


in C I don't know enough about the PHP grammar and its treatment of statements expressions to derive it myself. Is there anything..

Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo


to them without being evaluated which requires special treatment from the compiler. print happens to be an fexpr that chooses..