

php Programming Glossary: upswd

CURL login by script to a Joomla website


with other websites and it worked. Script I use uname id upswd pswd url http www.somewebpage.com agent 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows.. 'username' urlencode uname postfields 'passwd' urlencode upswd postfields 'remember' 'yes' postfields 'option' 'login' postfields..

Logging In To Joomla 1.5 Using External Form (not within joomla folder, but on same server)


p form body html Login Script php uname _POST 'username' upswd _POST 'password' url http www.mywebsite.com joomla_site index.php.. 'username' urlencode uname postfields 'passwd' urlencode upswd postfields 'lang' '' postfields 'option' 'com_login' postfields.. to accomplish all of this php uname _POST 'username' upswd _POST 'password' url http joomla website.com ch curl_init curl_setopt..