

php Programming Glossary: xhr.send

php uploading large files


posted file data from XmlHttpResponse request using xhr.send file . I ™ve debugged infos with firebug header is normal post..

How to receive php image data over copy-n-paste javascript with XMLHttpRequest


200 console.log 'all done ' else console.log 'Nope' xhr.send formData The handling php php image upload.php looks like that..

Learning how to use AJAX with CodeIgniter


'Content Type' 'application x www form urlencoded' xhr.send 'someNumber 12' the code above doesn't take into account browser..

overrideMimeType alternative for IE


xhr.overrideMimeType text html charset ISO 8859 1 xhr.send null xhr.onreadystatechange function if xhr.readyState 4 if..



xhr.open GET http myapi.com test false 'user' 'pass' xhr.send And in my PHP script I'm trying to access the username with.. 'Authorization' 'Basic ' Base64.encode 'user pass' xhr.send '' script For the sake of courtesy you should download webtoolkit.base64.js..

uploading a file in chunks using html5


POST upload.php xhr.onload function e alert loaded xhr.send fd alert oen over function uploadProgress evt if evt.lengthComputable..

destroy session on window close?


var xhr new XMLHttpRequest xhr.open GET logout.php false xhr.send null window.onload function var winNumber parseInt IGS.Bakery.getCookie..