

python Programming Glossary: admin.modeladmin

How to add bi-directional manytomanyfields in django admin?


Django admin, custom error message?


You have no points return points class MyModelAdmin admin.ModelAdmin form MyForm admin.site.register MyModel MyModelAdmin Hope that..

Django Admin: Ordering of ForeignKey and ManyToManyField relations referencing User


True And it is registered into the Admin class TeamAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display 'name' 'manager' admin.site.register Team TeamAdmin.. 'username' class Meta model Team class TeamAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display 'name' 'manager' form TeamForm share improve..

Can “list_display” in a Django ModelAdmin display attributes of ForeignKey fields?


nothing seems to work. Any suggestions class PersonAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display 'book.author' python django modeladmin share.. As another option you can do look ups like class UserAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display ... 'get_reviews' def get_reviews self obj return..

How do I transfer data in .csv file into my sqlite database in django?


fields names caused too many errors. class LawyerAdmin admin.ModelAdmin fieldsets 'Name' 'fields' 'last' 'first' 'firm_name' 'firm_url'..

How to add clickable links to a field in Django admin?


in Django admin I have this admin.py class LawyerAdmin admin.ModelAdmin fieldsets 'Name' 'fields' 'last' 'first' 'firm_name' 'firm_url'..

Django logs: any tutorial to log to a file


import LogEntry class LogEntryAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display 'content_type' 'user' 'action_time' admin.site.register..

Permission to view, but not to change! - Django


Main reusable Admin class for only viewing class ViewAdmin admin.ModelAdmin Custom made change_form template just for viewing purposes..

How do you fix the following Django Error: “Type: IOError” “Value: [Errno 13] Permission denied”


Trueenter code here ADMIN class ImageAdmin admin.ModelAdmin # search_fields title list_display __unicode__ title user rating..

Django Admin - Disable the 'Add' action for a specific model


method in your Admin class like so class MyAdmin admin.ModelAdmin def has_add_permission self request return False share improve..

Django Admin: Using a custom widget for only one model field


widget for all fields of a certain type class StopAdmin admin.ModelAdmin formfield_overrides models.DateTimeField 'widget' ApproveStopWidget.. widgets 'approve_ts' ApproveStopWidget class StopAdmin admin.ModelAdmin form StopAdminForm Done Documentation for this is sort of non..

filtering dropdown values in django admin


something else # Use it in your modelAdmin class BarAdmin admin.ModelAdmin form CustomBarModelForm Something like this... docs share improve..

How can I have Django user registration single step (instead of two step)process with email compulsory?


this problem.I use this code in admin.py class UserAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display 'username' 'email' 'first_name' 'last_name' 'date_joined'.. Meta model User fields 'username' 'email' class UserAdmin admin.ModelAdmin add_form MyUserCreationForm admin.site.unregister User class.. as the add_form in your custom UserAdmin class UserAdmin admin.ModelAdmin add_form MyUserCreationForm It's pretty late in my part of the..

Filtering Django Admin by Null/Is Not Null


Than just used them in ModelAdmin class SomeModelAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_filter StartNullFilterSpec share improve this answer..

Django admin List Display + ForeignKey = Empty Change List


class Meta db_table u'server' admin.py class ServerAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display 'server_name' 'org' admin.site.register Server..

Uploading multiple images in Django admin


then include the following in your admin.py class Photo admin.ModelAdmin class Media js 'jquery.js' 'inlines.js' Looking at his source..

How do I add a link from the Django admin page of one object to the admin page of a related object?


'cheese' 'milk_food' 'milk' class FoodAdmin admin.ModelAdmin list_display id ... 'link' 'link2' I am sorry that the example..