

python Programming Glossary: benefits

Integrate Python And C++


a lot of code just to expose one function with very few benefits. Swig pro you can generate bindings for many scripting languages...

Django signals vs. overriding save method


now I'm using a overridden save method. Would there be any benefits to using Django's signal dispatcher python django django models..

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted?


than a traditional reactor callback oriented one. The benefits of this approach are clearer more direct code I've certainly..

Why use Django on Google App Engine?


been scouring the web to find information on the costs and benefits of using Django to find out why it's so popular. While I've..

How to use 'super' in Python?


inheritance super share improve this question The benefits of super in single inheritance are minimal mostly you don't..

Deploying Django (fastcgi, apache mod_wsgi, uwsgi, gunicorn)


I right UPDATAE 2 So if they both are similar is there any benefits of apache mod_wsgi against fastcgi. I see such pros of fastcgi..

Queue remote calls to a Python Twisted perspective broker?


more code than the DeferredSemaphore approach but has some benefits which may be interesting. First cooperate returns a CooperativeTask..

Komodo Edit and Notepad++ ::: Pros & Cons ::: Python dev [closed]


mechanism. In short it's an IDE which provides all the benefits thereof. Notepad is simpler much MUCH faster to load and does..

Validating a yaml document in python


a yaml document in python One of the benefits of XML is being able to validate a document against an XSD...

How to use MinGW's gcc compiler when installing Python package using Pip?


compiler mingw32 It's cool but now I'd like to use all pip benefits. Is there a way to use the same MinGW's gcc compiler in pip..

How to deal with Python ~ static typing? [closed]


clutter. In this particular case the question between the benefits of static and dynamic typing are much less clear. By the way..

What to consider before subclassing list?


subclassing share improve this question There are no benefits to subclassing list . None of the methods will use any methods..

Old style and new style classes in Python


with a full meta model . It also has a number of immediate benefits like the ability to subclass most built in types or the introduction..

Flask vs webapp2 for Google App Engine


Is Python interpreted or compiled or both?


but it's still compilation with at least some of the benefits. For example the statement a b.c is compiled to a byte stream..

SQLite Performance Benchmark — why is :memory: so slow…only 1.5X as fast as disk?


to see whether memory offers significant performance benefits. import os import time import sqlite3 import numpy as np def..

Python multiprocessing - Pipe vs Queue


about the JoinableQueue unless you really must have the benefits. BONUS MATERIAL 2 Multiprocessing introduces subtle changes..

What are Python dictionary view objects?


What are dict.viewitems and the like for What are their benefits How does it work What is a view after all I read that the view..

How can I sort 1 million numbers, and only print the top 10 in Python?


using a heap for 10 elements could possibly outweigh its benefits. Any container that holds 10 elements and can obtain the min..

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?


or numeric data analysis etc. then rather than getting the benefits of multi core for number crunching the extension would be effectively..