

python Programming Glossary: build_opener

Is there an easy way to request a URL in python and NOT follow redirects?


it would be to subclass HTTPRedirectHandler and then use build_opener to override the default HTTPRedirectHandler but this seems like..

Returning result of an external script to VBA


from urllib2 import Request urlopen URLError ProxyHandler build_opener install_opener import argparse # Set up our argument parser.. ProxyHandler args.proxType args.proxServ opener build_opener proxySupport install_opener opener # Set up the data object..

How do I unit test a module that relies on urllib2?


improve this question urllib2 has a functions called build_opener and install_opener which you should use to mock the behaviour.. mock opener return mock_response req my_opener urllib2.build_opener MyHTTPHandler urllib2.install_opener my_opener response urllib2.urlopen..

Python urllib3 and how to handle cookie support?


documentation is... minimal to say the least. urllib2 has build_opener so something like # usr bin python import cookielib urllib2.. cookielib urllib2 cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj r opener.open http example.com.. cj r opener.open http example.com But urllib3 has no build_opener method so the only way I have figured out so far is to manually..

How to use the HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() in Python


urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler password_mgr opener urllib2.build_opener proxy_support opener urllib2.build_opener handler a_url 'ftp.. opener urllib2.build_opener proxy_support opener urllib2.build_opener handler a_url 'ftp ' ftp_server ' ' ftp_port ' ' print a_url.. . You might also try calling install_opener after each build_opener call and then using urllib2.urlopen auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler..

Are urllib2 and httplib thread safe?


global _opener if _opener is None _opener build_opener return _opener.open url data timeout def install_opener opener..

How do I add a header to urllib2 opener?


to urllib2 opener cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj opener.open 'http abc.com' opener.open.. headers directly to the OpenerDirector object returned by build_opener . From the last example in the urllib2 docs OpenerDirector automatically.. Request. To change this import urllib2 opener urllib2.build_opener opener.addheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla 5.0' opener.open 'http..

Windows Authentication with Python and urllib2


my windows username and password. So far I've got opener build_opener try page opener.open http somepagewhichneedsmywindowsusernameandpassword..

Retrieving all Cookies in Python


a cookiejar and read them back from urllib2 import Request build_opener HTTPCookieProcessor HTTPHandler import cookielib #Create a CookieJar.. using the http protocol and to process cookies. opener build_opener HTTPCookieProcessor cj HTTPHandler #create a request object..