

python Programming Glossary: caption

Directing Sublime Text 2 Packages to the correct python installation


config Python Main.sublime menu command repl_open caption Python id repl_python mnemonic p args type subprocess encoding..

Substitutions inside links in reST / Sphinx


substituted in the base URL in the place of s . The link caption depends on the second item in the tuple the prefix If the prefix.. in the tuple the prefix If the prefix is None the link caption is the full URL. If the prefix is the empty string the link.. the full URL. If the prefix is the empty string the link caption is the partial URL given in the role content 123 in this case...

How do I display notifications from `django-notification`?


This can be as simple as the following snippet table caption trans Notices caption thead tr th trans Type th th trans Message.. as the following snippet table caption trans Notices caption thead tr th trans Type th th trans Message th th trans Date..

How to use dynamic foreignkey in Django?


picture models.ImageField null True upload_to '. images ' caption models.CharField _ Optional caption max_length 100 null True.. upload_to '. images ' caption models.CharField _ Optional caption max_length 100 null True blank True content_type models.ForeignKey..