

python Programming Glossary: charfield

Separation of business logic and data access in django


class InactiveUserDistribution models.Model country CharField max_length 200 inactive_user_count IntegerField default 0 The..

Is there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField?


there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField class Foo models.Model title models.CharField max_length 20.. from CharField class Foo models.Model title models.CharField max_length 20 slug models.SlugField Is there a built in way..

Can “list_display” in a Django ModelAdmin display attributes of ForeignKey fields?


of fields but I'm most concerned about author a standard CharField . With that being said in my PersonAdmin model I'd like to display..

create row of date while creating superuser


user models.ForeignKey User null True title models.CharField 'Incident Type' max_length 200 default TITLE parent_location_id.. max_length 200 default TITLE parent_location_id models.CharField 'Parent Location' max_length 100 null True blank True is_active.. sender User Adding choices to model field Django CharField has a named argument choices that allows you to give the end..

Django - Iterate over model instance field names and values in template


the following model definition class Client Model name CharField max_length 150 email EmailField max_length 100 verbose_name..

passing arguments to a dynamic form in django


for item in range 5 self.fields 'test_field_ d' item CharField max_length 255 python django django forms share improve this.. for item in range 5 self.fields 'test_field_ d' item CharField max_length 255 And when you create form it's like this form..

Ordered ManyToManyField that can be used in fieldsets


import models class Contest models.Model name models.CharField max_length 50 # More fields here if you like. contestants models.ManyToManyField.. 'ContestResults' class Contestant models.Model name models.CharField max_length 50 class ContestResults models.Model contest models.ForeignKey.. forms.widgets.TextInput pass # A simple CharField that shows a comma separated list of contestant IDs. class ResultsField..

Generate XML file from model data


XML file from model data I need to write model data CharField s only to an XML file to contain the data for a flash file...

Django: Model Form “object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'”


form is from django import forms from django.forms import CharField ModelMultipleChoiceField ModelChoiceField from books.models..

Convert string “list” to an object


sheet' u'size' u'300x322' This data is saved as above in a CharField in my Django model. Now I need to iterate it in the template...

Case insensitive unique model fields in Django?


by the user. I have the following requirements field is CharField compatible field is unique but case insensitive field needs..

Resize fields in Django Admin


when i.e. editing a date field 8 characters wide or a CharField also 6 or 8 chars wide and then the edit box goes up to 15 or.. YourModelAdmin admin.ModelAdmin formfield_overrides models.CharField 'widget' TextInput attrs 'size' '20' models.TextField 'widget'..