

python Programming Glossary: cj

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


urllib2 cookielib username 'myuser' password 'mypassword' cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.. opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username' username 'j_password'..

Logging into facebook with python


email password self.email email self.password password cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.. opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj opener.addheaders 'Referer' 'http login.facebook.com login.php'..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


filename to save your cookies in COOKIEFILE 'cookies.lwp' cj None ClientCookie None cookielib None logger logging.getLogger.. urlopen ClientCookie.urlopen Request ClientCookie.Request cj ClientCookie.LWPCookieJar else logger.debug 'Successfully imported.. of FileCookieJar # that has useful load and save methods cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar login_params 'name' 'anon' 'password'..

Using Python and Mechanize to submit form data and authenticate


def main #Browser br mechanize.Browser # Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj # Browser options.. # Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj # Browser options br.set_handle_equiv True br.set_handle_gzip.. import logging import sys def main br mechanize.Browser cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj br.set_handle_equiv..

How do I add a header to urllib2 opener?


do I add a header to urllib2 opener cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.. opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj opener.open 'http abc.com' opener.open 'http google.com' As..

How to properly use mechanize to scrape AJAX sites


import cookielib br mechanize.Browser #Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj #Browser options.. #Cookie Jar cj cookielib.LWPCookieJar br.set_cookiejar cj #Browser options br.set_handle_equiv True br.set_handle_gzip.. 'If Modified Since' 'Thu 1 Jan 1970 00 00 00 GMT' cj.add_cookie_header br response br.open url headers response.info..

Retrieving all Cookies in Python


cookielib #Create a CookieJar object to hold the cookies cj cookielib.CookieJar #Create an opener to open pages using the.. process cookies. opener build_opener HTTPCookieProcessor cj HTTPHandler #create a request object to be used to get the page...