

python Programming Glossary: columnspan

Basic query regarding bindtags in tkinter


0 btlabel3.grid row 2 column 1 padx 10 status.grid row 3 columnspan 2 sticky w entry1.bind KeyPress OnKeyPress entry2.bind KeyPress..

How to redirect in real time STDOUT from imported module to Tkinter Text Widget in python?


'word' height 11 width 50 outputPanel.grid column 0 row 0 columnspan 2 sticky 'NSWE' padx 5 pady 5 sys.stdout StdoutRedirector outputPanel..

Tkinter example code for multiple windows, why won't buttons load correctly?


command self.new_window self.button1.grid row 0 column 1 columnspan 2 sticky W E N S def new_window self self.newWindow Demo2 class..

How do I make a GUI using the model/view/controller method?


Enter information for a new story .grid row 0 column 0 columnspan 2 sticky W # create a label and text entry for the name of a.. 75 height 10 wrap WORD self.story_txt.grid row 7 column 0 columnspan 4 def tell_story self Fill text box with new story based on..

this constructor takes no arguments


T.Entry self.main justify 'center' self.e.grid row 0 columnspan 5 sticky W E self.e.pack def run self self.main.mainloop Calc..

Cosinus drawing


4 entry Entry self justify 'center' .grid row 2 column 0 columnspan 2 sticky E W entry1 Entry self justify 'center' .grid row 2.. W entry1 Entry self justify 'center' .grid row 2 column 4 columnspan 2 sticky E button Button self text 'Ok' command self.ok .grid.. entry Entry self justify 'center' .grid row 2 column 0 columnspan 2 sticky E W entry1 Entry self justify 'center' .grid row 2..

How to bind self events in Tkinter Text widget after it will binded by Text widget?


0 btlabel3.grid row 2 column 1 padx 10 status.grid row 3 columnspan 2 sticky w # normally you bind to the widget in the third case..

How can I send python multiprocessing Process output to a Tkinter gui


bg light cyan state DISABLED messages.grid row 1 column 0 columnspan 3 sys.stdout messages However I can't figure out how to send..