

python Programming Glossary: cov

multidimensional confidence intervals


plt from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse def plot_point_cov points nstd 2 ax None kwargs Plots an `nstd` sigma ellipse.. Plots an `nstd` sigma ellipse based on the mean and covariance of a point cloud points an Nx2 array . Parameters points.. A matplotlib ellipse artist pos points.mean axis 0 cov np.cov points rowvar False return plot_cov_ellipse cov pos nstd..

Pytest: how to skip the rest of tests in the class if one has failed?


2.3.0.dev17 plugins xdist bugzilla cache oejskit cli pep8 cov timeout collected 3 items test_step.py .Fx FAILURES ______________________..

Curve fitting in Scipy with 3d data and parameters


bmq0 0.363 bmq1 20.75 bmq2 1.12 bs 1. bm 20. ba 2000. opt cov infodict mesg ier spopt.leastsq residual p_guess poiss_err H.. np.array map lambda x rosen2d x datay datax optimalparams covmatrix curve_fit rosen2d datax dataz print 'opt ' optimalparams.. dataz colville datax x3 x4 #fit the function optimalparams covmatrix curve_fit colville datax dataz print 'opt ' optimalparams..

Solving non-linear equations in python


return func x y z a b c xdata np.vstack x y z model cov opt.curve_fit wrapped_func xdata f return model Stand alone.. return func x y z a b c xdata np.vstack x y z model cov opt.curve_fit wrapped_func xdata f return model main share..

Fitting a line in 3D


the line whose direction vector is the eigenvector of the covariance matrix corresponding to the largest eigenvalue that passes.. that passes through the mean of your data. That said eig cov data is a really bad way to calculate it since it does a lot..

fitting exponential decay with no initial guessing


guess_c exp_decay lambda x A t y0 A np.exp x t y0 params cov curve_fit exp_decay x y p0 guess A t y0 params print A s nt.. A_log return A K def fit_exp_nonlinear t y opt_parms parm_cov sp.optimize.curve_fit model_func t y maxfev 1000 A K C opt_parms..

How to sort my paws?


fuzzy nature of images i.e. adjacent pixels have a high covariance simply looking at the difference of an image from a template.. linear algebra for speed. We can work directly with the covariance matrix of the training data set def make_eigenpaws paw_data.. 0 paw_data average_paw # Determine the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the data cov np.cov paw_data.T eigvals eigvecs..

Scipy: bounds for fitting parameter(s) when using optimize.leastsq


y if within_bounds p return y model p x else return 1e6 p cov infodict mesg ier optimize.leastsq residuals p_guess args x..

SciPy LeastSq Goodness of Fit Estimator


If you call leastsq like this import scipy.optimize p cov infodict mesg ier optimize.leastsq residuals a_guess args x.. 'x0 y0 c k' p_guess Param x0 600 y0 200 c 100 k 0.01 p cov infodict mesg ier optimize.leastsq residuals p_guess args x..