

python Programming Glossary: data_file

Python multiprocessing: restrict number of cores used


kwargs sim_index print starting job kwargs sim_index data_file_name print number of live jobs number_of_live_jobs p.start p.join.. number_of_steps sigma sigma # why do I need to cast to int data_file_name walk_steps i_sigma i number_of_steps sigma import random.. number_of_steps kwargs number_of_steps sigma kwargs sigma data_file_name kwargs data_file_name data_file open data_file_name .dat..

python -> multiprocessing module


import glob from multiprocessing import Process Queue Pool data_file open 'out.txt' 'w ' def worker task_queue for file in iter task_queue.get.. data mine_imdb_page os.path.join DATA_DIR file if data data_file.write repr data ' n' return def main task_queue Queue for file.. worker processes # res pool.apply_async worker task_queue data_file # But I chose to do it like this for now. for i in range 4 proc..

Is there a logical difference between 'not ==' and '!= (without is)


difference in Python 3.x between for each_line in data_file if each_line.find 1 #placeholder for code #more placeholder..