

python Programming Glossary: demux

Why doesn't the save button work on a matplotlib plot?


Playing RTSP with python-gstreamer


sink pad g_print Dynamic pad created linking source demuxer n sinkpad gst_element_get_static_pad decoder sink gst_pad_link.. decoder GstElement sink GstElement pipeline GstElement demux GstElement colorspace Initializing GStreamer gst_init argc argv.. gst_element_factory_make rtspsrc Source g_assert source demux gst_element_factory_make rtpmp4vdepay Depay g_assert demux decoder..

Pipe raw OpenCV images to FFmpeg


live output to the web Flash format python capture.py cvlc demux rawvideo rawvid fps 30 rawvid width 320 rawvid height 240 rawvid..