

python Programming Glossary: dic

Python string interpolation implementation


learned about the format string method and its use with dictionaries like the ones provided by vars locals and globals example.. to ruby So I came up with this def mprint string '' dictionary globals print string.format dictionary You can interact.. mprint string '' dictionary globals print string.format dictionary You can interact with the code here http labs.codecademy.com..

Aggregate sets according to keys with defaultdict python


sets according to keys with defaultdict python I have a bunch of lines in text with names and teams.. open 'fileout.txt' 'w ' from collections import defaultdict teams defaultdict set for line in file_in items entry.strip.. 'w ' from collections import defaultdict teams defaultdict set for line in file_in items entry.strip for entry in line.split..

Simple pygtk and threads example please


def __init__ self self.wTree gtk.glade.XML ui.glade dic on_buttonOne self.one on_buttonTwo self.two self.wTree.signal_autoconnect.. on_buttonTwo self.two self.wTree.signal_autoconnect dic gtk.main def sone self widget time.sleep 1 print 1 time.sleep..

Python Glade could not create GladeXML Object


gladefile foo.glade self.widgets gtk.glade.XML gladefile dic on_buttonGenerate_clicked self.on_buttonGenerate_clicked self.widgets.signal_autoconnect.. self.widgets.signal_autoconnect dic def on_buttonGenerate_clicked self widget print You clicked.. property name active True property property name draw_indicator True property object packing property name expand False..

Why do you have to call .iteritems() when iterating over a dictionary in python?


do you have to call .iteritems when iterating over a dictionary in python Why do you have to call iteritems to iterate.. to call iteritems to iterate over key value pairs in a dictionary ie dic 'one' '1' 'two' '2' for k v in dic.iteritems print.. to iterate over key value pairs in a dictionary ie dic 'one' '1' 'two' '2' for k v in dic.iteritems print k v Why isn't..

Python replace multiple strings


technique right Where text is the complete string and dic is a dictionary where keys are the string to be replaced and.. right Where text is the complete string and dic is a dictionary where keys are the string to be replaced and the definitions.. are the strings to put in place. def replace_all text dic for i j in dic.iteritems text text.replace i j return text ..

How to make a python dictionary that returns key for keys missing from the dictionary instead of raising KeyError?


to make a python dictionary that returns key for keys missing from the dictionary.. dictionary that returns key for keys missing from the dictionary instead of raising KeyError I want to create a python.. instead of raising KeyError I want to create a python dictionary that returns me the key value for the keys are missing..

Most efficient method to get key for a value in a dict


efficient method to get key for a value in a dict I have a dictionary of objects dic 'k1' obj1 'k2' obj2 'k3'.. method to get key for a value in a dict I have a dictionary of objects dic 'k1' obj1 'k2' obj2 'k3' obj3 ... class.. key for a value in a dict I have a dictionary of objects dic 'k1' obj1 'k2' obj2 'k3' obj3 ... class MyObject def __init__..