

python Programming Glossary: filename.endswith

Python random lines from subfolders


in os.walk root_path for filename in filenames if not filename.endswith '.txt' continue path os.path.join dirpath filename file_indices..

Regular expression to match start of filename and filename extension


simple string methods. ie. filename.startswith Run and filename.endswith .py Note if you want case insensitivity ie. matching run.PY..

How to use traceit to report function input variables in stack trace


__file__ if filename stdin filename traceit.py if filename.endswith .pyc or filename.endswith .pyo filename filename 1 name frame.f_globals.. stdin filename traceit.py if filename.endswith .pyc or filename.endswith .pyo filename filename 1 name frame.f_globals __name__ line.. __file__ if filename stdin filename traceit.py if filename.endswith .pyc or filename.endswith .pyo filename filename 1 name frame.f_globals..

Find the oldest file (recursively) in a directory


in os.walk rootfolder for filename in filenames if filename.endswith extension key lambda fn os.stat fn .st_mtime With a little modification.. in os.walk rootfolder for filename in filenames if filename.endswith extension key lambda fn os.stat fn .st_mtime Note that using.. in os.walk rootfolder for filename in filenames if filename.endswith extension key lambda fn os.stat fn .st_mtime reverse True and..