

python Programming Glossary: hockey

Union and Intersect in Django


You could use Q objects for #1 # Blogs who have either hockey or django tags. from django.db.models import Q Blog.objects.filter.. import Q Blog.objects.filter Q tags__name__iexact 'hockey' Q tags__name__iexact 'django' Unions and intersections I believe..

python sqlalchemy insert multiple lines in a tuple data structure


create_engine 'sqlite memory ' echo True metadata MetaData hockey Table 'hockey' metadata Column 'team' String 16 primary_key.. 'sqlite memory ' echo True metadata MetaData hockey Table 'hockey' metadata Column 'team' String 16 primary_key True Column 'jersey_colour'.. INTO tablename VALUES markers ' ins ins.format tablename hockey.name markers markers str ins 'INSERT INTO hockey VALUES ' conn..