

python Programming Glossary: httplib.httpsconnection

GAE SDK 1.7.4 and InvalidCertificateException


urllib2.py line 1207 in https_open return self.do_open httplib.HTTPSConnection req File Applications GoogleAppEngineLauncher.app Contents Resources..

HTTPS connection Python


with SSL support. # usr bin env python import httplib c httplib.HTTPSConnection ccc.de c.request GET response c.getresponse print response.status..

Tell urllib2 to use custom DNS


self.host self.port self.timeout class MyHTTPSConnection httplib.HTTPSConnection def connect self sock socket.create_connection MyResolver self.host..

Error using httlib's HTTPSConnection with PKCS#12 certificate


passwd self.cert_file cert_file self.host host self.conn httplib.HTTPSConnection host self.host port self.port key_file cert_file cert_file cert_file..

how can I upload a kml file with a script to google maps?


None def _get_connection self if not self._auth_token conn httplib.HTTPSConnection www.google.com params urllib.urlencode accountType HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE..

python httplib Name or service not known


Content Type text xml Content Length str len mystring conn httplib.HTTPSConnection secure.authorize.net 443 source_address myurl.com 443 conn.request.. httplib 2.6 and without the source_address parameter in httplib.HTTPSConnection. Any help is greatly appreciated. EDIT I can run it from..

using pyOpenSSL to create urllib custom opener


extra return settings.DEPOSIT_CODE class MyHTTPSConnection httplib.HTTPSConnection def connect self context SSL.Context SSL.SSLv23_METHOD context.set_passwd_cb..

Suds over https with cert


req def getConnection self host timeout 300 return httplib.HTTPSConnection host key_file self.key cert_file self.cert class HTTPSClientCertTransport..

urllib2 HTTPPasswordMgr not working - Credentials not sent error


' string.strip base64.encodestring username ' ' password h httplib.HTTPSConnection 'qualysapi.qualys.com' h.request GET qps rest 3.0 count was..