

python Programming Glossary: image.convert

How to reduce color palette with PIL


easy just use the undocumented colors argument result image.convert 'P' palette Image.ADAPTIVE colors 5 I'm using Image.ADAPTIVE..

Image resizing with django?


Image.open filename if image.mode not in 'L' 'RGB' image image.convert 'RGB' image image.resize size Image.ANTIALIAS # get the thumbnail.. image Image.open f if image.mode not in 'L' 'RGB' image image.convert 'RGB' image image.resize size Image.ANTIALIAS o StringIO.StringIO..

how to use pygame set_alpha() on a picture


of the following. image pygame.image.load logo.png image image.convert or image pygame.image.load logo.png .convert I have found that.. 0 0 0 image pygame.image.load 'InsertImageHere.png' image image.convert image2 pygame.image.load 'InsertImage2Here.png' image2 image2.convert_alpha..

PIL: Image resizing : Algorithm similar to firefox's


nearest thumb.png image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.convert RGB .resize 36 36 Image.ANTIALIAS .save home ptarjan www tmp.. antialias rgb.png image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.convert RGB .resize 36 36 Image.BILINEAR .save home ptarjan www tmp.. bilinear rgb.png image Image.open StringIO.StringIO data image.convert RGB .resize 36 36 Image.BICUBIC .save home ptarjan www tmp metaward..

Any quick Python GUI to display live images from Camera


SIZE def pil_to_wx image width height image.size buffer image.convert 'RGB' .tostring bitmap wx.BitmapFromBuffer width height buffer..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


def ImageEntropy self image w h image.size a np.array image.convert 'RGB' .reshape w h 3 h e np.histogramdd a bins 16 3 range 0..

Changing image hue with Python PIL


`hue` hue within 0 360 returns another PIL image. img image.convert 'RGBA' arr np.array np.asarray img .astype 'float' new_img Image.fromarray..