

python Programming Glossary: justwords

Am I passing the string correctly to the python library?


Language http pypi.python.org pypi guess language 0.1 justwords is a string with unicode text. I stick it in the package but.. lt br gt é¦åç¾ï¼æ以就é»åå®æ´ç æ­£è¦åä¸ä¸å ä¸ç å¥é¤å§ï¼å justwords justwords.encode 'utf 8' true_lang str guess_language.guessLanguage.. æ­£è¦åä¸ä¸å ä¸ç å¥é¤å§ï¼å justwords justwords.encode 'utf 8' true_lang str guess_language.guessLanguage justwords..