

python Programming Glossary: lsof

Large, persistent DataFrame in pandas


Failed to start devlopment server — BindError: Unable to find a consistent port localhost


start it today. It only shout out this Error. I tried use lsof i 8080 lsof i 8000 to make sure these ports are not taken. I.. It only shout out this Error. I tried use lsof i 8080 lsof i 8000 to make sure these ports are not taken. I also tried..

socket.accept error 24: To many open files


n 999999 net.core.somaxconn 999999 fs.file max 999999 and lsof gives me about 12000 open files when server is running. And..

How can I unload a DLL using ctypes in Python?


def isLoaded lib libp os.path.abspath lib ret os.system lsof p d grep s dev null os.getpid libp return ret 0 def dlclose..

Python - How to check if a file is used by another application?


same techniques as ProcessExplorer the equivalent of nix's lsof you are even more vulnerable to race conditions than the OS.. method above you may attempt to use the same technique as lsof or on some systems simply check which file the symbolic link.. whether the legacy application has the file open a la lsof or ProcessExplorer suspending the legacy application process..

Why doesn't coverage.py properly measure Django's runserver command?


. Update I ran the coverage command then used ps and lsof to look at what was happening. Here's what I observed ps output.. vinay .virtualenvs watfest bin python manage.py runserver lsof output python 12082 vinay 5u IPv4 48294 0t0 TCP localhost 8000.. watfest bin coverage run manage.py runserver noreload lsof output coverage 12140 vinay 4u IPv4 51995 0t0 TCP localhost..

SQLite Performance Benchmark — why is :memory: so slow…only 1.5X as fast as disk?


disk access going on that I'm not seeing I haven't tried lsof yet but I did turn off the PRAGMAs for journaling Am I doing..